October 16, 2010

White Pumpkins & 1 more Halloween Give-Away!

I can't believe all the variety of pumpkins available now, but I'm especially intrigued with white pumpkins. Better Homes & Gardens has all kinds of wonderful ideas (including this one) on their blog.

Country Living provided instructions for their versions here.

Janet gave me this idea for using ribbon to decorate a white pumpkin. The only adjustment I made, was to use straight pins instead of glue to attach the ribbon.

By using pins, I'm hopeful that I can actually recycle the ribbon after Halloween. This craft took maybe five minutes to put together.

Super easy. Pinky swear.

As promised...there's time for one more Kim K. Halloween give-away!

Just a leave a comment on THIS post and I'll let Josie draw a name this time - Emma did the last one (even though I let Josie ALSO pose with the winning slip of paper). I'll draw it Wednesday October 20th at 8pm (EST). I can't wait to see who wins...this is going to be so fun!

Happy soon-to-be Halloween!!


  1. Adorable white pumpkins! I am fast running out of room and I'm not sure I want to start decorating upstairs...but you are inspiring me with all these ideas!
    I should take a close up of my new Halloween lamp's shade. It is covered with ribbon and is too cute!
    Enjoy the weekend!

  2. I LOVE your white ribbon pumpkin!! How pretty and festive!!

    Sue from MA

  3. Kim the white pumpkins are so cute. Think I might try it. Love the Aunties

  4. I think your version of the white pumpkin is much prettier than the others. Thanks for the idea!

  5. OMW.. that is toooo cute..
    I will have to try that one.. LOVE IT
    Miss ya.. I will try to get my post up soon..

  6. I also love white pumpkins! Your pumpkin turned out soooo cute!

  7. Love the white pumpkin ideas. We bought a green gourd this year that resembles a swan with his head lowered, and a huge orange pumpkin with warts. Great ideas to play around with.

  8. I was wondering when the white pumpkins would come out. Love it!


  9. Throw my name in too! Love your decorations and would love to win a giveaway -- pick me . . . please! :)


  10. I love your white pumpkin, great idea.

  11. Always enjoy your site! With all you do, I'm certain you'll be dressed as "Wonder Woman" this Halloween!

  12. Love the ribbon idea on the pumpkin, I like that better than carving, less mess, lasts longer, & then you can easily change the ribbon for a Thnksgiving look!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.