November 7, 2010

So tacky and I'm LOVING them!!

On Saturday, the girls and I made a donation run to our local Goodwill. Always on the hunt for a few vintage holiday items, we perused a few aisles of the store. These two illuminated pilgrim figurines came home with me.

The sales woman told me that just a few minutes earlier, the illuminated turkey was sold. I swear I would have bought him too!! My front porch was looking a little bare after our Halloween "thunder" was put away.

I also have plans for my "special sunroom" tree too. It's getting a Thanksgiving makeover. It won't be as elaborate as my Halloween tree, but just you wait!


  1. Catching up on your blog after being awol all week. :) That french toast looks yummy! I might have to try that. Also love your blog look today--you are so creative. The pilgrims are tackily adorable. Is tackily a word? Hee! Can't wait to see your tree!

  2. Josie's face is so sweet in the collage at the top of your blog. She knows how to work the camera...what a cutie. Sherry

  3. I don't think that they look tacky at all! So maybe in the store they look a little odd, but they look adorable on your porch!

  4. You are an expert at your fabulous finds~the Pilgrim pair are cute!
    Laying low here with a cold. Hubby leaves midweek so I will be free to do whatever. Looking forward to shopping without deadlines!
    Have a great week!

  5. Hey Kim,
    I really like the new header...The pics of the girls are great! (But, of course they are always great!)

    Love your finds and creations. . .and Mr. and Mrs. Pilgram aren't tacky at all! They are a great addition to your porch decor. When I find second-hand treasures, I always wonder about their previous owner. Do you think about that, too?

    Have a great week!


  6. I just love that you keep your holiday tree up all year you know that? Im and dying to see the pics

  7. NOTHING from Goodwill is tacky! They're 'unique' finds :)
    I swear I go to Goodwill at least 3 times a week. Always treasures to be found.
    Can't wait to see your Thanksgiving tree!

  8. What a GREAT find, Kim! Really! I think they look perfect and LOVE the new header and look too. Of course, I always love your what's new? LOL!!

  9. These are really cute...Thanksgiving decorations are hard to find.(-:

  10. I have the same ones! I love them too! These are collectibles and are very rare blow mold finds! They are not made anymore.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.