January 11, 2011

Chinese New Year Tree

I spent Saturday morning putting up my Chinese New Year tree.

Of all the trees, that I display in the sunroom, I think the CNY tree is my favorite.

Maybe it's my favorite tree because it has something to do with this sweet little girl and our time spent in China.



  1. Just beautiful-both the decorations and the little girl!
    Good reasons to celebrate the Chiese New Year!

  2. I really love that you keep your tree up and decorate for all the holidays!! This one is one of my favs too :0)

  3. What a great tree! I especially love the parasols, and those cute little slippers. Love your family photos, too:)

  4. I love your CNY year tree. I think it is so cool that you keep this tree up all year and change it out for different holidays.

  5. I love your CNY tree! If I kept a tree up all year, I would do a CNY tree too!

  6. I stumbled across your blog & LOVE the tree. Makes me want to drag ours back up from the basement. And, makes me want to separate out our Chinese & Vietnames ornamanets & save them for a CNY tree.

    Perhaps next year...

  7. Love all your decorations! Good thing you have a tree to display them all :)
    My, how Josie's grown, Emma too. Amazing.

  8. love the tree, every year I see yours and wonder why I do not do the same thing. Maybe I will spend this year working on decorations and 2012 will be the year for me!

  9. LOVE IT..
    can't wait till I can put up ours.. and have our baby girl next to it..

  10. Very, very beautiful both the tree and your daughter, she must be so pleased to have such a lovely way to celebrate one of her traditions.

  11. Super awesome tree!! I will certainly miss celebrating CNY with my littles this year. Did I tell you that Scott and I are going to Paris for my birthday?
    I remember those precious panda shoes that you bought for Josie before you met her in China. So sweet!

  12. Congrats to Emma for her accomplishments...I am so proud of her!

    Beatiful tree...I love my CNY decor, too and for the same reasons...my little China pearl and our trip to bring her home. And I have loved collecting them since we have returned! I think it is so neat that we have the same panda shoes that our girls wore and now use them as part of our precious treasures.

    We received more snow last night! The kids and I have loved being home...
    Many snowy hugs,

  13. I LOVE this tree! It's so beautiful and festive! I just love it!!

  14. Your tree turned out fabulous! Love the flashback picture too!

  15. Your tree is absolutely lovely!! Wonderful tradition.

  16. The tree is so be-u-tiful. I haven't checked in for a while. Emma looks so very grown up and so pretty.

  17. WOWWWWW!!!! I think this is my favorite tree yet! It's like an absoloute riot of fabulous treasures, including the spokesmodel at its side.

    Must. Have. Panda. Shoes.

  18. I have to say that I love my CNY tree also (but I cheated and put it up before Christmas and it's still up!). We have many of the same ornaments. We have those dragon wands that I never thought to stick in the tree until I saw yours...thanks for the idea!

    Will we see you at the Rivertree CNY event on the 5th? If so, maybe dinner afterwards????

    Oh, and how about the GVSU program, can you tell me the date on that?

  19. Oh WOW!!! LOVE the CNY tree, Kim!! It is beautiful! And of course Miss Josie is gorgeous as always!

  20. I'm such a lurker! I've followed your blog all this time, but don't think I've commented yet. I don't know if you take requests, but I was just sharing your CNY tree with a friend, and thought it would be lovely to see a collection of all your different holiday trees in one post! I can't remember seeing that before...

    Anyway, it is so good to keep up with you through your musings. Josie and Emma are amazing! Take care and love ya!

  21. Just found this on a link. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your CNY tree. Such a fun idea!

  22. Just did a link to this post. Hope that is OK! :)

  23. Just did a link to this post. Hope that is OK! :)


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