January 13, 2011

Care for some tea?

Actually, I'm serious about sharing some tea. In honor of the upcoming Chinese New Year, I'm feeling generous and I'd like to do a no strings-attached give-away! I'm giving away 10 bags of my favorite jasmine tea, along with a small silk purse, a hand-made red lantern necklace, a year of the rabbit ornament and a bag of red envelopes.

Just leave a comment on this post by 5pm (EST) January 15th and I'll randomly draw a winner. You don't need to be an adoptive family to comment either.



  1. I love your little tea party and all the great ideas you have over in this space!

  2. how about an adoption social worker... who loves tea...and wants to start gathering decorations for her own tree... : )

  3. I love Josie's tea party with Buzz!

  4. What a fun little giveaway! Love the picture of Josie!

  5. I love Josie's tea set! I collect tea sets. There, I've admitted it. I have way more than any family should have and I am always looking for functional tea sets for my grils. We love our tea parties (and so do their friends:))

  6. How sweet of you! I LOVE tea, but have never tried Jasmine before. The Buzz Lightyear/tea table picture is hilarious too :0)

  7. Who doesn't just LOVE teas AND Chinese New Year!!! I WANT TO WIN!!! :o)

  8. Oh man -- I love tea!! Drinking a cup right now! Great giveaway! I must get busy on Chinese New Year festivities! Thanks for the reminder!


  9. Will it help my chances if I let you adopt one of mine?

  10. Tea, CNY & a giveaway...what a GREAT combination! : )

  11. Buzz Lightyear certainly is a lucky fellow to be at your dearest's tea party!~~~XXOO, Beth

  12. Buzz at the tea-table made me smile. Hello from a reader in CO who really enjoys your blog! We made the bead/picture ornaments at Christmas for family. Thank you. :)

  13. Too cute tea party. . .love your blog!

  14. Josie always seems to be having fun! What a cutie!

  15. Buzz at the table is SO adorable. Love the goodie bag. Also loved Emma's dance pics the other day. You have 2 very lovely, special gals!

  16. How fun! I love tea so I thought I'd give it a go :)

  17. Hwat a memorable tea party! Love all the Chinese goodies.

  18. OH Jasmine tea is a favorite here!
    We have 3 year of the rabbits in our house this year!

  19. I cracked up when I scrolled down to see Buzz Lightyear drinking tea. :) Love the Chinese New Year tea idea.

  20. Count me in. Josie cracks me up with her duel little girl personality. She is just too darn cute for words!

    I promise I will get the craft steps up by Monday. It is a good one and fairly simple.

    Have a great rest of the long weekend,
    Cindy W.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.