January 15, 2011

Give-Away Winner & Coffee Filter Wreath

Drum roll please.....Josie has selected Janet from Boo Adventures for my CNY give-away.


Please send me an email with your address so that I can get your CNY goodies into the mail.

In case you need an easy and elegant wreath idea, I put together a new wreath for my bedroom to hang over my mantle. I've seen coffee filter wreaths posted all over my favorite crafting blogs and when I saw my friend Nikki's wreath, I knew I needed to attempt one myself.

This craft is not hard at all. Pinky swear. The biggest problem was my glue gun and how often I burned my fingertips.


Wreath (foam or straw)
Glue gun
Coffee filters
Ribbon for hanging
Embellishments optional
*Most of the items can be found at the Dollar Store. Yippee!!

1. Separate coffee filters and fold into quarters forming a blossom like shape. I found that it worked faster to fold several filters and set them aside to glue later.

2. It takes A LOT of filters, so don't give up in the process.

3. Be prepared with a glass of cold water for those burned fingertips. Note to self...invest in a new glue gun!!

4. I decided to embellish my wreath with a pink ribbon, antique pin and glittered valentine that I crafted with an image I found on Graphics Fairy.

Graphics Fairy has beautiful valentine images available if you are looking to make some special valentines. I embellished the vintage postcard image with lots of glitter and tiny flowers. I used straight pins to attach my valentine to the wreath so that I can swap it out with different items in the future.

I hope you're having a crafty weekend! I had so much fun with this last give-away, that I'm going to work on a few Valentine goodies for another give-away in the near future.



  1. Yay Janet. Love the coffee filter wreath. I just saw on of these the other day on another blog. Looks great. Take care of those finger tips. Hope you have a long weekend to enjoy.

  2. I love that coffee filter wreath and will definitely have to give it a try! Have a wonderful weekend!!


  3. Coffee filter wreaths are all the rage now, and yours is beautiful! Love the way you embellished it too. Isn't the Graphics Fairy great?!

  4. Kim who would ever know how beautiful a coffeee filter wreath could be!!

    Just one of the great benefits of blogging

    Come and join my Giveaway from Blydesign!

    Art by Karena

  5. Very cute wreath!
    Keep on creating-it is always so much fun to read about what you are making.

  6. Congrats to Jan (as you probably know, she is my co-worker). Love your pretty wreath too!

    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  7. Kim, that wreath is beautiful! Your home is always so lovely. I wish I had your talents. We should open a shop with your home accents and my hair bows.
    I am good around the glue gun though. I do have a good scar though :)

  8. Janet is one of my all time favourite friends!

    Love that wreath!

    Thanks for the fun!


  9. What a gorgeous wreath!!!
    I wanted to let you know that I'll be bragging about you tomorrow. I'm featuring your beautiful Heart shaped box on my Brag Monday Post!

  10. Your wreath is just gorgeous! I have one lying around (the wreath-y thing!) and I think I am finally going to try my hand at something like this. I'll have some ice cubes ready and waiting. lol!


  11. Oh wow, this is absolutely gorgeous!!!!

  12. Your wreath looks pretty (hope your fingers feel better) and I love the way you embellished it!

  13. Adorable wreath! Very creative use of coffee filters, and I love the vintage clip you added with the envelope. Super sweet.

  14. Kim, it's amazing how a humble coffee filter can be transformed into a thing of such delicacy, beauty, and grace by a skilled hand! The ruffles are so delightful, and your embellishments make it an absolute treasure. I love your style and am so happy that you shared it at "A Little Birdie Told Me..." at Rook No. 17!

  15. This is lovely. You have a great blog. I look forward to seeing you at My Dream Canvas:-)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.