January 24, 2011

Flashback Cooking...

Back in 1975, my sister and I received this playstove for Christmas. It was handmade by my grandfather and mother.

Don't you just love that retro Christmas wrapping paper?

This special stove is now taking up residence at my house and Josie has been busy cooking up a storm.

I just love seeing her playing with it.
My sister and I had some great memories with that stove.
Happy Monday!

Don't forget, tonight's Valentine give-away is scheduled for 8pm.


  1. This is just too wonderful...so cute. And just think maybe one of her daughters will play with it one day too.

  2. I just love those types of hand-me-downs. And I am so glad that our moms have thought alike and saved our stuff for our daughters!

    Tell Josie to cook up a storm with that great kitchen!

    Much love,

  3. What a neat story. I think that it's wonderful that you were able to save it, and now your daughter can enjoy it too!aru

  4. Well she sure looks pleased with that little stove! How sweet and adorable, and how nice that it was her Momma's.

  5. Just love to see that the stove has been passed on!
    I have so many of the old toys from my childhood and my mother's. Nostalgia is alive in both our homes!
    Thanks for sharing the smiles!

  6. I really love to hear of stories where parents are able to pass on their childhood toys. What a wonderful family tradtion this stove might be....passed from one generation to the next

  7. Hi Kim, I must have been posting and after I did I noticed that ,yes, you are my 100th follower. Thanks for following and I will be scrolling down through your blog. I can see lots of things that we both like. I love your little stove that's been passed down. That's really cute!

  8. It's so great when you can pass on things from your childhood to your children, isn't it?
    So cute~

  9. Oh how cool is that? Honestly, I wish we had some wonderful things from my childhood, but nope...not a one. Such a sweet thing to pass on for wonderful play days.


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