January 28, 2011

Hello Weekend!

There's laundry to catch up on, more snow to dig out from, a special birthday party to attend, play practice to chauffeur Emma back and forth from, and Chinese New Year party favors to create for Josie's preschool. But I'm also hoping to sneak in some "me" time in my craft room this weekend.

I hope that whatever you plan to do this weekend, includes doing something special for yourself.



  1. The weekends always go by so fast, don't they? We've got a volleyball game, a college tour, and all the usual house chores. I hope to sneak in a decorating project!

  2. Kim,
    I'm just visiting your blog for the first time. It is great. We do have alot in common. Love the craft room with all the vintage toys and the lanterns are beautiful. I'm going to add your blog to my blog roll. I'll be checking back often.

  3. Sounds like you are going to be very busy...for me it is lots of gardening.(-:

  4. T.G.I.F.! I can't wait to see your chocolate fortune cookies! Kam and I may sneak out for a pedicure this weekend while the boys are at basketball!

  5. Hurray~the weekend is here!
    I hope you get your 'me time'. You always find something special to share with us!
    I am alone today so might venture out to see what adventure I can create.
    Enjoy your weekend!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.