January 30, 2011

A special military birthday

On Saturday, our nephew turned nine and we celebrated with a military-themed birthday. If you are a new follower, our family loves to host special birthday parties. Over the last year, we've had a Paris-themed birthday, a rainbow-themed birthday and a Harry Potter birthday.

This party was especially wonderful because we were also able to honor my father's time spent serving as a medic in the Vietnam war.

Carson's gift was wrapped in camouflage paper and medical gauge.

My mother's birthday cake and table top decorations were very fitting for the occasion.

Games included target practice, granade launching and a medic station.

Everyone earned special badges upon completion of the games.

The most exciting part of the day, was when my father presented each of his grandsons with shadow boxes filled with parts of his military uniform.

Thank you for serving, Dad.

Happy Birthday, Carson!

We love you very much.
Happy 9th!


  1. Oh my word! What a special birthday! He will cherish that box for years to come! Of course, I love his name too!

    Hope you have a great day!

  2. how fun and special! and that cake looks really, really, yummy!


  3. What a wonderful, wonderful birthday...one I am sure he will never forget. And how great that you were able to honor your Father also.

  4. What a wonderful birthday theme! The shadow boxes will surely be cherished for many,many years.

  5. Wow! Your family sure finds very special ways to celebrate. Such thoughtful and amazing activities and gifts!
    The kids all must feel the love surrounding them.
    So glad you share so much on your blog. You always bring smiles with your words and pictures!

  6. How wonderful!!! That is the sweetest birthday party ever!!!

  7. Looks like a special day! Love the camo stuff.

  8. Thank you so much Kim, for sharing such a special moment with us! That is about the most wonderful gift I've ever seen! I can only imagine what a great time was had by everyone at the party, with all the special extras that personalized it for Carson!

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