March 26, 2011

Sunroom Easter Decorations...

Would you like to see my 2nd favorite room in my house? My craft room comes 1st and then the sunroom is a strong 2nd. My husband, his uncle and a few other key people helped construct this room in 2006. You can even see our tree house from the view inside our sunroom. For my new followers, check out the tree in the right corner of the picture.

I can't call it a Christmas tree, because it gets decorated continually (including family birthdays and some made-up holidays). Here are a few of my favorite sunroom tree pictures. The blue words are hyperlinks that will show you even more pictures of that themed tree. Between you and me, my themed-trees drive my 12 year old nuts and secretly I LOVE IT!!

This tree has become a permanent fixture since we refinished the basement and lost our extra storage last winter. I also have to admit there's something peaceful about seeing the tree all lit up at night even when December is many many months away.

In between loads of laundry, I will be spending my Saturday filling the sunroom shelf with my Easter collections and decking out the tree.

Even my little doll dresser which sits on my sunroom shelf will be getting an Easter makeover.

I'll be back with more Easter.
Happy Saturday!


  1. What a wonderful space, I would love a light filled room. The tree is festive - love that little recap (a patriotic tree - brilliant!). Have a great Saturday, can't wait to see your Easter treasures.

  2. I am going to do a little decorating myself today!

    You #2 room look like a great space. I love your idea of decorating that tree seasonally. so much fun!


  3. I love your sunroom! Both of our MI houses had sunrooms and I LOVED them (and miss them terribly!). I also enjoy seeing your tree decorated for every holiday and it cracks me up that your 12 year old is driven crazy by it. hee!

  4. I truly believe your hubby and girls should come spend the summer with us - I need a tree house (actually we don't have any trees - so maybe a fort) and I NEED a relaxing sunroom!
    You are more then welcome to come visit on the weekends - but I know you have to work during the summer - poohy! :)

  5. Your hubby built that treehouse and the sunroom? Holy Cow! They are beautiful!

  6. Holy cow! What a fabulous room! I am ready to move in!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Green with many great things I can't pick a favorite. Doll dresser, decorations, light reflections in the windows. The fact that you have a sun room alone! It is so nice to see someone decorate their home to the fullest instead of haphazardly. I so enjoyed going back over the old post. Can't wait to see more...Smiles...Renee

  8. I just love your bright and cheery sunroom. Decorating the tree must be fun to do. I especially like the patriotic theme.

  9. The sunroom is lovely and all of the trees have something very special about them...what a fun thing that your children will always remember.

  10. I always LOVE your sunroom!! ; )

  11. Personally, I LOVE that you keep the tree up year round! If I could get away with it, I would. And the Easter decorations are just beautiful.


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