March 27, 2011

Thrifting Surprises on Saturday

I mentioned on this post, that I would be decorating my sunroom on Saturday and I spent the afternoon happily digging out my favorite Easter decorations.

Before I show off my finished Easter tree and sunroom shelf, I have to share my Saturday morning thrifting/antiquing splurges. Emma had to be picked up from a slumber party, library books needed to be returned, and a few items needed to be purchased from the grocery store...all of these things were "near" my favorite antique store and mission thrift store, so naturally I had to stop by...hee hee. Let's just say, the thrifting stars were definitely aligned.

I scored all this ric rac AND lace for $2 at my favorite mission thrift store!!

My favorite antique dealer also had several wonderful Easter items available for very reasonable cost.

One of my favorite items that came home with me is this Donkey Party game.

I bought it for the graphics on the box, but it came with all its pieces and the best part is the party game book.

Last but not least, I purchased this delightful owl pin. I have a HUGE obsession with anything owl related...which is a post for another day.

All in all, a great Saturday filled with fun purchases.
Pictures of my Easter tree and my sunroom decorations coming soon.

Linking up to It's A Very Cherry World Rednesday



  1. Wow you hit the jackpot...great finds...
    Have a Blessed day

  2. These are great finds! Love the vintage Easter and the party game graphics.

  3. Looks like the stars were aligned. I am sure you will be busy today figuring out what to do with it.

  4. I am such a sucker for Whitman. Seems they always have the cutest graphics. You are a lucky gal. I bet the girls just love to see what you come home with! Smiles...Renee

  5. Love it when all the stars align for a perfect thrifting day! You scored so big! Love the Easter decorations. That is definately something I need to start getting because I don't decorate much for Easter and those are so cute!

  6. Love those eggs.. I am still around.. we are just in hiring season and I am crazy busy...
    Love ya..

  7. Some great the Donkey game, it is so cute! I am looking forward to seeing the Easter tree.

  8. What a fun time you had and what a haul, too! I love old packages of ric rac! It reminds me of an Easter egg.


  9. Wonderful Easter finds, but that Donkey Party is just too cute! I see some rousing games of Peanut Blow and Box Fishing in your future!

  10. So cute--what great finds!!!

    Have a good week!


  11. Holy cow! You hit the jackpot! What a fun Saturday full of surprises!

    Hope you have a great week!

  12. Don't you just love rick-rack! Love the children's games. Good work, Kim.


  13. Wow...lots of treasures for one day of hunting. LOVE the game graphics. wow! Wish I lived near you so I could so along and try to find props for photography. :) I've been looking for old suitcases--but alas...nothing yet.

  14. Pin the tail on the donkey? What fun!

  15. WOW, What a great Haul! I'm a sucker for vintage trims, but RicRac is the cats meow for me!!

  16. Love the ricrac!! I would have grabbed that as well. Excellent finds!

  17. I have a big box of lace, trim and ric-rac, similar to those, on a shelf in my sewing closet. Mostly from the 70's, when I did the bulk of my sewing. LOL, I still run to that box anytime I need trim for a craft project.

  18. The Donkey Party game is soooo cute, the package would have sold me on it alone. I can never pass up packages of lace and ric rac--great shopping day.

  19. I would def display that game box! So cute and so many memories! ♥

  20. I love, love, love rick-rack!

  21. You definitely did pick up some wonderful things. I loved them all. Thank goodness we weren't together thrifting..your tastes are so similar to mine,,LOL

  22. What wonderful finds! I am seriously coveting your ric rac and lace!
    Thanks for linking up at Thrifty Thursdays!

  23. You definitely got the luck of the draw - lots of fun stuff!

  24. That vintage rick rack is such a find! Love all the packaging!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.