January 31, 2012

A Kim K. Vintage Valentine Give-away!

I'm ready to share a few of my favorite Kim K. Valentine vintage goodies with my blogging friends.
A pink/red vintage apron...complete with a Kim K. silk valentine flower pin.

A Kim K. box of chocolates, vintage doily, metal heart-shaped cookie cutter and Kim K. button flower bouquet.

A Kim K. glittered ornament

I'm also throwing in a bunch of my favorite vintage Valentine cards that I've color copied. I will even include tiny clothes pins in case you want to display them on your apron.

In order to be entered in the giveaway:

* Leave me a comment on this blog post. Period. That's it.
* Entries close at 8:00pm EST Thursday, February 2nd.
* Winner will be picked randomly by one of my two girls (whoever happens to be home and eager to be my assistant). I might even thrown in a few surprise items too.
* Past winners are always encouraged to enter again.

I would love for you all to become Followers, but there's absolutely no pressure. This is a giveaway for the pure joy of giving back to my blogging friends!

Good luck and Happy Valentines!

Linking up with:
It's a Very Cherry World: Rednesday



  1. a kim k giveaway! I just like the way that sounds.. I know, I'm easily amused at 6:00 am. Ive been up since 4:30.. dont ask why.. I like getting up at 5:00.. but 4:30 is pushing it. lol.. love all your sweet treats Kim. Always something bright and cheerful going on here. have a great day!

  2. Everything is so lovely! Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!

  3. Ack! This is cute. Carefully keep my name out as I have some of your gorgeous goodies but man is this super cute. You are a generous soul. Have a sweet day..smiles..Rene

  4. Pick Me! I love all your lovely crafts. I always look forward to reading your blog everyday!


  5. Oh, I love all of your Valentine pretties! You always have the things I love! Thanks for always being so sweet! Please enter me and enjoy your day! ♥

  6. You are so generous! Everything looks wonderful~crossing my fingers!
    Enjoy this weather!

  7. Okay, well I should be nice and decline to be included in your giveaway, since I have so many lovely things from you. But, I can't pass this one up because I adore it so! So please include me!!!

    Hey, I have my mailboxes ready to be "dolled up." I will try to post the results, as they need to be ready to go by tomorrow for a new family tradition.

    Thanks for the tips on the photo editing.

    Crafty hugs,

  8. I love everything about your give aways! And your blog! Pick me!!! :)

  9. I love all the red Valentine happiness! Please add me to your giveaway. Easter colors are nice, but redder is better...bad rhyme. =D

  10. wow what a lovely lot of goodies. I love all your valentine stuff. So count me in

  11. I love this blog! I don't miss a day. Thank you. Lorie

  12. What a fun giveaway! I hope my name is the lucky one picked!


  13. what a beautiful giveaway, i hope I win!

  14. What a sweet giveaway! Everything looks so cute!

  15. I love the vintage Valentines. I set my dining room table with all my vintage paper valentines, plates etc. Looks great!

  16. What beautiful valentines! I love these. You are so talented; you must have a fantastic eye for vintage-style things. I'm so glad I found this blog.


  17. Oh what gorgeous valentines! I just joined your blog, love it!
    Enter me in the contest!
    Hugs from me and Wilma~~~

  18. A Giveaway......please sign me up. Guess I'm one of your "silent followers". I love your blog with all your cute ideas and stories. Thanks for sharing!

  19. I love following your blog. Everything about it is wonderful.

  20. How festive! Just the ticket for getting February and Valentine celebrating off to a great start! :-)

  21. This is a wonderful giveaway! So pretty and festive! Thanks! Happy Valentines Day!!!!!

  22. darling give-away, my friend. love all of your sparkly vintage valentine goodness.


  23. Everything is super cute! So pretty!

  24. Oh my gosh!! Everything is so adorable!!! How generous and thoughtful of you!! I'm already a follower!! Have a great day! ~Deanna

  25. Hi Kim, I'd love to win the Kim K. giveaway, whoever wins will be thrilled. On Sunday I became a Grammy for the second time. My daughter had a baby in Washington. Her name is Josilyn, Joss as a nickname. Hugs. Sherry F.

  26. The is very kind of you to give this nice gift away. What I like about it, no strings attached. I seldom comment on giveaways, as I never win and some have too many restrictions. Best wishes to the grand winner.

  27. What a beautiful valentines day give away! I've been following you for a little while, I enjoy your sweet blog!
    Have a Suneday! Carly

  28. Oh Kim, I can just picture that sweet apron hanging in my kitchen, with those cute valentines pinned to them! Thank you for having this giveaway, and for a chance to win!
    Happy REDnesday,

  29. What a fun giveaway! Cute stuff!

  30. Oh, please let me win this cute, cute, giveaway. :)

    I had just signed up to follow you before I knew you had a giveaway.

  31. Hi Kim-Your Vintage Valentine Giveaway is so beautiful!! I would be thrilled to be chosen by one of your sweethearts to be the lucky recipient. Thanks for treating us to the giveaway. Hugs, Dorinda

  32. Oh my plz enter me in the drawing I would so love to win and the beautiful apron with the pin would hang with my other vintage aprons thank u for the giveaway

  33. I love all the things you give away!

  34. These Valentines remind me of my childhood, so fun!


  35. Hi Kim - Fairly new to your site - love your fresh approach to sharing your passion and your life. Please enter me in your Valentine's give-away and thank you for all the great inspiration! All the best, Peggy N. from PA

  36. I love your style! And I adore the color red - so a valentines give away from you would make my day! Love your blog.

    Best wishes
    Christine from Denmark

  37. This puts me back some years - and how much FUN Valentines was. Love the vintage apron. Consider ME entered !!!

  38. I'd love your vintage valentine stuff! I will be in Russia going to court to adopt my daughter on the 4th...so if you don't hear back from me if I am the winner you'll know where I am!

  39. love the Valentines Kim. All your things are darling. Love the Aunties

  40. That is such a cute apron. You have a great give Valentines give away!

  41. Here I am, I'm ready to win your goodies. Thanks for the mention for graphics....U R the best!


  42. What a darling giveaway! I love love to be entered to win your fabulous Valentines goodies!



  43. I am so ready for some good news and some fun please enter me in your awewsome giveaway!! I just love the vintage apron and of course I would love to own more original Kim K creations!

  44. What a delightful giveaway! Of course I'd love to be entered in the giveaway of such lovely goodies! Thank you!!

  45. Ooo ... I want IN too!!! :*) Your crafting is always such an inspiration!!! Thanks!

  46. Kim,
    For goodness sake, I almost missed your giveaway!! Please include me as I would be so honored to be entered in this fantastic giveaway you are having....


  47. i follow your blog and so look forward to your posts! such a cute cute giveaway! plck me, pick me!

  48. I'm your newest follower. I've seen your comments on other blogs that I follow and decided to come over and visit you and your sweet blog!
    I would love a chance to win your sweet Valentine Giveaway and thank you for having one!

  49. Hi Kim! I've popped in several times from blog parties and once again Friends/Followers is off line..sigh..But, I will not give up. I wanted to invite you over to my blog...
    for my giveaway, which would fit you perfectly for crafts and I reeealllly want to enter yours, so
    Now that we know where we are in blogland let's not be strangers. You'll find yourself on my Blog List 8o) and I'll be your 'Friend' ASAP

  50. What a sweet blog. I am your newest follower. Hope you will stop by and visit me at http://donnaslavendernest.blogspot.com/


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.