March 31, 2012

Post surgery updates...

Thank you for all the sweet comments regarding my surgery. It helped knowing that I had friends and family praying and thinking of me.

I was surprised at how fast Friday's foot surgery went. We had to be at the hospital by 6am and we were home by 11:15am. The surgeon ended up doing some additional work that I didn't plan on, but it explains why my foot hurt so bad. Chris said the before and after x-rays are quite impressive looking.

I spent yesterday afternoon sleeping off the drugs and by the evening, I was ready to eat some dinner and watch movies with the girls. I even managed to sneak in a few blogs last night. I'm sure I'll be spending this afternoon doing more blog hopping.

I had been told that day 2 would be the hardest day and I'm not going to lie. My foot hurts something "wicked awful". I can feel my heartbeat in my foot.


Getting used to the crutches has been interesting. I'm definitely going to be building up some arm and shoulder muscles.

The cats have taken turns sleeping on my lap.

I think they sense something isn't quite right.

Maybe they are just taking advantage of the fact that I'm sitting still for a change and I have a cozy blanket on my lap.

The girls and Chris have been very good at taking care of me. Just look at the basket filled with fun reading material that was waiting for me when I came home!

I also have to say thank you to Donna (My Shabby Chateau) who sent me a lovely package filled with crafting supplies and the most darling card. She also made me a lovely plaque (which I forgot to take a picture of). I'm so spoiled.

Even my neighbor came over last night with a fun gift basket too.

Thank you Laura!

I'll be back tomorrow with some very exciting news (not foot related). Josie had a major milestone happen within the last 24 hours!!


  1. It has to be a big relief to have the surgery behind you, Kim! I hope today gets better. I learned to use the drugs prescribed to help deal with pain...please make sure you listen to the doctor and your body, even if you sleep the day away.
    Looking forward to hear Josie's news! Hugs!

  2. Nice to have it over with and have your family and friends spoil you a little!! Take it easy and remember those pain meds!! :)


  3. So glad it went smoothly. You must have been a super patient to be in and out of there so quick!

  4. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! P.S. I love Agatha Raisin books.

  5. Get well soon...I so enjoy reading your blog. I always enjoy the Agatha Raisin books too...she is so weird and quirky and doesn't realize it...she thinks she is irresistible! =D

  6. so wonderful to have it over with...hope you heal quickly, meanwhile take care and don't over-do.

  7. Im glad youre doing ok. I just had a cramp in the bottom of my foot and I said.. "omg.. Im having sympathy pains for kim!"
    Rest and relax, dont over do it... and blog on!!
    happy saturday

  8. So glad it went well. Sounds like you've got a great family and friends giving you lots of love! Take it easy on the recovery and enjoy relaxing!

  9. I'm so glad you are past the surgery and on the road to recovery! I love your sweet goodies and thoughtful family and friends. Just let everyone pamper you and try to rest! It takes a lot out of you to go through something like this. Your body will let you know! Big hugs, my friend! I'm glad my chicks made you smile! ♥♥♥

  10. Whoo! Its over...It is all down hill from here. Those kitties are just the cozy ticket. So glad you have a pile of reading and a computer to peck. This will make you rest and enjoy all that is to come....Mending can be fun! Smiles...Renee

  11. Hi Kim,

    thanks for letting us know how you are doing. Take advantage of the pain meds if you can. They really help, and rest, rest! It's wonderful that your family is taking such good care of you. You have such sweet friends and neighbors too! Can't wait to hear Josie's exciting news!


  12. Whew......thank goodness that's over I say HEAL (as I lay my hands upon your head)! I'm so sorry for the pain you will endure for a short while, but with God's blessings that will be the extent and you'll start feeling better soon and be up and dancing.

    I'm on pins and needles about Josie's news......hurry!

    Love ya'

  13. Ouch is right!
    That cat loves you!
    I do hope you feel better quickly!

  14. I am so happy your surgery went well, and that you are home!! Love how your kitties are snuggling with you! So sweet!! Get some good rest!! Look forward to the post about Josie!! xo Heather

  15. I know you are glad to have the surgery part over with. Now, take care of yourself so your healing will proceed quickly.:) xoxo

  16. Sending you a hug and wishes for a speedy recovery. I know your foot must really hurt, but at least it's all over! Have fun reading all those looks like you got some fun ones!

  17. Wishing you a speedy recovery, I am so glad the procedure went smoothly and I do hope the recovery continues well. Lily loves the photos of you with your foot up and the kitty, pets are so wonderful. I am glad everyone is treating you so well, you deserve it.

  18. I'm glad to hear that your surgery is over and went well, Kim! I'm sorry that you are in so much pain! Be sure to keep up on the pain meds, don't wait til they start wearing off! I can't even imagine what it's like trying to walk on crutches. It was my pleasure creating a little care package for you:) And how thoughtful of your neighbor, too! Looks like the kitties will be your constant companions! Take care and get some much deserved rest!

  19. Kim, So glad everything went ok!! Betweenthe kitties, magazines and blogs.. You will be having a great time getting better.. I am hoping once that 2 days mark hits.. It will not be bad for you.. Glad you have great blogging friends!

  20. Hi Kim-
    I just found your blog a few nights ago, and I've so enjoyed your posts! I looked back to try and find out why you needed to have this foot surgery, but didn't see what had happend. Anyway, I'm so sorry that you are going through any kind of foot pain! I had my left one operated on last year, and will have my right one done this September. I FEEL FOR YOU! Take Care, and Stay off your foot! Erica :)

  21. Hi Kim - I'm so happy to hear that your surgery is over and you are home with all that love and support! Isn't it amazing how animals just know when their human mommies need comforting!! Hope your pain level decreases really soon!! Hugs and Prayers, Dorinda

  22. So glad the surgery went well! Hoping that the pain passes quickly. Enjoy the reading and hopefully, lots of "snuggle time" :)

  23. Awww...I'm so sorry you are in so much pain. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. So glad to hear that your sweet family is taking such good care of you...and Congrats to Josie on her lost tooth! :)

  24. Dearest Kim...Isn't it comforting to know that you are in such "good paws"! Kitties are such wonderful therapy when we're laid up...Their snuggly purrings are medicine for the soul!
    Blessings and kitty kisses to your little whiskered nurse!
    Carolynn >^^<

  25. You and your foot! I'll meet you on the chaise lounge for meds and mockaritas.

  26. I'm so glad your family, friends and kitty cats are taking good care of you. And I'm hoping that the pain is not as bad anymore. Take care sweet friend.

  27. Glad you have a bike to get around now. I saw someone using one of those and it is amazing! I'm sure you will put it (and your basket) to good use! I am hoping your pain is minimal if any by now.

    Loved all of the spoiling! As it should be when one has surgery!!! LOVE IT!!!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.