April 1, 2012

A momentous milestone!

Look who lost her first tooth!

She's been talking about her "soft teeth" for a few weeks.

She's got another loose tooth "almost" ready to come out right next to this missing tooth. In addition to her special heart and her special hand, Josie has a special mouth. When she had her root canal last summer, the dentist discovered that a few of her adult teeth never formed underneath. Yep. Orthodontia is in her future.

Congratulations, Josie!!

Such a precious smile!


  1. That's one special moment, and how much does the toothfairy bring now $5, $10 a tooth????

    You tell miss Josie that she could lose every tooth in her head and she'd still be the prettiest little princess around.


  2. OH -Look how cute she is! It's all gap toothed smiles from now on, Mom! (One of my favorite looks). xo Diana

  3. LOVE IT...
    Sorry I have not commented a lot.. I have been reading... Love ya Sister..

  4. Beautiful girls!
    I once had a student with two sets of adult teeth-doesn't seem fair! LOL
    Hope today is better for you. When I had a bad fall, the pain meds messed with me but I stuck with them and just slept....couldn't do much else. Hugs!

  5. These teeth Miss Josie are very special and worth their weight in gold....We pay well at our house for these. Know my dear that you are not alone in having special teeth...I have two kiddos with special teeth two. God picks special kids to have special attributes the ones he knows can smiles through them. Congratulations.....Renee

  6. Oh, what a gorgeous little girls. Both girls are precious, you are so lucky to have them in your life!
    Hugs, from me and Wilma~~

  7. How fun! My youngest has too many teeth, so she has to have teeth removed for orthodontia!

  8. Josie is adorable. She reminds me of the little girl I watch who is from China. She was born with a cleft palate. It was repaired before she was adopted. She is missing one two teeth and some gum line. But they did a good job on her lip and she is adorable.
    My granddaughter wants to loose a tooth so bad. I just had a tooth fairy pillow made for her with a tu tu.
    Congratulations Josie.

  9. Thank you so much Kim for the nice comment. I am sooooo excited!!!

  10. So cute Kim! What a sweet little princess she is. Congrats to her!


  11. We're working on our first tooth out over here, too! Congratulations to Josie!!

  12. I had a feeling when I read yesterdays post that Josie might have lost a tooth. What a little "pumpkin" she is! oh to be a dentist or orthodontist.. man do they rake in the bucks!! Tell Josie she should have waiting until october to lose that tooth. maybe she'll lose the top two for halloween!
    HOpe your foot is feeling ok today. I'm off to do some reading and to find some chocolate!

  13. The girls are both so beautiful...and they are growing up so fast! Take care of yourself this week! Let them wait on you! ♥

  14. Congrats on that first tooth! Our tooth fairy used to leave a tiny trail of glitter on the windowsill to show which window or door she entered thru. Ben once lost three teeth in ONE DAY! He kept coming up to me and telling me he had lost another one...all three went under his pillow that night!

  15. That is so exciting! Kamree just lost her first tooth too! She told us that it was her sweet tooth so the tooth fairy brought M&Ms too! Such fun times!

  16. I thought that might be the big milestone! Love toothless smiles!

    Maddy is also missing a couple of permanent teeth and unfortunately has already had a few fillings and crowns! I see a lot of dental work in her future.

    Hope you are taking it easy!!


  17. That is so exciting!! What a sweet girl, both of them!! I was a teacher, and when my students lost a tooth, they were always so excited!! :) xo Heather

  18. How exciting...and when is the Tooth Fairy coming?

  19. Aww! So did the tooth fairy pay her a visit?

  20. What a precious little smile! Does the Tooth Fairy come to your house?


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