May 6, 2012

Turning the corner...

I feel like I've finally turned the corner in my foot surgery recovery. 

It's been a long five weeks.

Within the last 24 hours, I can do heel walking without incredible pain or my foot swelling up to three times its normal size.I'll be seeing the surgeon Tuesday for another x-ray and to get my walking cast. 

 Later today, my mom, sister and I are going shopping at my favorite antique mall as an early Mother's Day outing. I can't wait.  I'm sure there are treasures that need to be found.


  1. Kim, I'm so happy you're over the worst. What a relief. Have fun shopping and good luck on your follow-up. You'll be up and running just in time for summer.

  2. Glad you are feeling better.. antique shopping will help you .. Love you girly.. enjoy your Sunday...

  3. Have fun but don't overdue it! Can't wait to see what you find.

  4. Glad your footie is feeling better! Just in time for a trip to the antique mall. have fun and when you get home put your foot up for a while.

  5. So glad you are feeling better now. Hope you find some treasures!

  6. Kim I am jumping up and down for you...Yeah...Have a wonderful time and get lots of goodies. I am thrilled you are doing better. Let me know how it goes. Smiles...Renee

  7. Yay!! I am so glad your foot is healing, and you're going to be able to get walking soon!! Have a wonderful time antique shopping!! xo Heather

  8. So glad your foot is feeling better. You'll be jumping around on it in time for summer this year. Have a great time at the antique mall.

  9. Nice to be on the mend and heading out the door for a little treasure hunting. A perfect reward for the past five weeks...and then a walking cast! hurray!

  10. I'm sure it feels nice to be almost through with that battle! Can't wait to see what goodies you find!

  11. I can so relate to your issues with your foot, and my cousin is going thru it right now also....the swelling, the pain, at times I thought I was better off with the arthritic joints! And then one day it started to get better, I wish I could say it was as soon as yours, mine was almost a year....but I had MAJOR surgery on all of my toes, and an artificial joint put in the big toe. I am glad to hear you are on the downhill side of this surgery! :) Sandy

  12. It is good to hear of your foot improvement! I'd love to join you in your antique browsing!

  13. Hi Kim,

    So glad to hear your foot is better! Yey! Hope you have a great time shopping, and find some good stuff. Don't forget to share with us what you find!


  14. Wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you and the lilies of the valley are perfect. Looking forward to hearing about your outing!

  15. I'm so glad you are feeling better! Have a great time on your outing!

  16. This is wonderful news! You're not going to know what to do with yourself once your up on your feet again :)

  17. So happy to hear you are feeling better!! Amazing how much foot pain can affect your whole self. Hang in there -- you'll be dancing in no time!! :)

  18. What a long long recovery!
    You just have to have the best summer ever!


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