June 13, 2012

A summer makeover...

With the last of the birthday festivities behind us now for a few months, I decided to update the blog with one of my favorite blog banners from last year. 

We won't be visiting Mackinac Island again this summer, but we will be leaving in less than 10 days for our annual week long vacation on the shores of Lake MI.

 I'll be back again on Friday with a special treat that my husband surprised me with Wednesday night. Let's just say he ventured into an antique store while I was at work and he has now scored major BROWNIE points.  I also need to do a "mail call" on my blog. I have all kinds of special treasures that have been sent to our house recently from my blogging friends.  I promise to take pics over the weekend of my goodies.


  1. A husband who shops?! Amazing!
    I did buy my hubby a few things for Father's Day that I wanted for the lake house....and he fell for it! LOL
    Can't wait to see what your husband found!

  2. Ditto what Lee said...A hubby who shops?

  3. Super cute banner, and even cuter pic of the girls on the beach! Have fun on your trip coming up.
    Erica :)

  4. Lovely photos and summer blog. I am very very curious to see what Chris found! I wish him a happy upcoming Father's Day too!

  5. that banner is perfect for summer! I have that same sand pail!
    Im sure your hubby brought home something fantastic.. cause I know he's like that!
    have a great day.

  6. Now wait a minute...not only does your husband do a fantastic job with the kids, dress up in grass skirts and take you on wonderful romantic jaunts he also goes inside the actual antique stores? I cannot fathom your luck. You certainly picked a winner...smiles...Renee

  7. Wow, that was so sweet of your hubby! Can't wait to see what he surprised you with. Nothing like a vacation along the shores of Lake Michigan, enjoy:)

  8. I can't wait to see hubbys score! I love your banner-you are a master of vintage vingettes.Have a fun trip!

  9. Enjoy your vacation Kim! Lia has already informed me that we have been home too long (a whopping 5 days!) and need to head back up north! LOL

  10. The pictures are beautiful...have a great vacation!

  11. Vacation at the beach sounds wonderful! Have fun!!

  12. Love your sweet banner! Can't wait to see what your sweet hubby bought you!! Have a beautiful day! xo Heather

  13. Wow!
    A beautiful sunset!
    Adorable girls (they are both growing up so much, even in the short time I've been reading your blog!)!
    A husband that went to an antique store and bought you a special present!
    So great!
    I recently saw a commercial about Michigan and thought of you!
    Such a beautiful state!
    Lucky you!

  14. Have a great time in MI... I am off to Cali. tomorrow..
    Love beach time..
    Have a great weekend..

  15. All- look at that girl on the beach- is she something else?!?! I hope you have a wonderful trip, Kim! xo Diana

  16. Have a lovely time with your family Kim. Your little cowgirl is so sweet. If her smile is any indication, she certainly enjoyed herself! Very cute cake! Elizabeth

  17. PS I love when you post a new banner. I use it as your "button" on my blog. So cute! E

  18. What a great vacation you are anticipating! Can't wait to see what Hubby bought home!

  19. Very Cool tire swing!
    Cool new header...I need to find one I like..
    Have a nice vacation.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.