July 29, 2012

Band camp...

Emma leaves for Varsity band camp bright and early Monday morning.  
It's the longest time she's ever been away from home and away from her little sister. 
 A week in a university dorm 70+ miles from home.

 A week of sweating on a football field and learning new music, line formations and being introduced to upper upperclassmen.  We're so proud. 
 We'll miss you tons, Emma. 


  1. Kim, what a sweet post. My husband and I both noticed the college in our little town is filled with the sounds of band camp. Homesick and hot as can be they all look, but I'll bet they are having the times of their life. PS LOVED your little Olympian. E

  2. How wonderful that Emma is having a band adventure.

  3. She's going to have so much fun. Hope Josie doesn't miss her too badly.

  4. What a big step for Emma! I hope she has fun and that Miss Josie will enjoy being the "only one" for a few days.:)

  5. Best wishes to Emma with a week full of fun and new friendships, along with lots of hard work. Please tell her to stay hydrated and wear lots of sunblock! At the beginning of every school year, I get the low-down on everyone who had gotten dehydrated and too much sun. I would hate for that to happen to sweet Emma! Give Josie an extra hug from us...Tori is missing her daddy with a passion. (We are on week two of Dad being away in Boston.)

    Many musical hugs,

  6. Go Emma! I am sure she will love the experience!

  7. Miss Emma can be a 'high schooler' and Miss Josie can be 'an only child' for the week!

  8. Oh- I hope Emma doesn't get too homesick. I remember the first time I went away to camp and how homesick I was. Blessings to her- xo Diana

  9. Hope she has a lot of fun and doesn't get homesick. My daughter Jessica really enjoyed playing the flute in her school band.

  10. Sono contenta per Emma, spero che si diverta e goda quanto più possibile di questa settimana così intensa, di certo sarà un'esperienza indimenticabile per lei!

  11. Oh my ! You must be a bundle of nerves! but what an absolutely wonderful opportunity for Emma, wishing her a safe journey - make lots of memories!

  12. The first time my son went away for a week felt like the longest week ever! (And this summer, the first he's not home from college ... it does not get easier!) What a great time she's going to have - and what a great reunion you'll have when she gets back!

  13. That brings back memories of when my guy went off to band camp-only it 6 hours away! He had a great time and learned to be pretty independent during that week. Hope Emma has a great time. Hope you survive!

  14. Wow -- how exciting for Emma! Am sure she will have a blast!! Also sure that Josie and the rest of you will be missing her like crazy!

  15. Another step to growing up and away...take deep breaths. This is what is supposed to happen~as hard as it seems.
    Hope she has fun!

  16. I spied her instrument case and her flip folder in the one picture. I'm guessing she plays the flute. My daughter played the flute in the Troy Athens Redhawk Marching Band (Troy, MI). She followed in the footsteps of her brother who played the trombone. Both of them were also in the Symphony Band. She will have a blast and she will be very tight with her band friends. My daughter is now a junior at MSU and both summers that she has been home from college, all the friends she hangs out with everyday are her friends from marching band. I also understand being a little nervous about being with upperclassmen. When my daughter was a freshman, most of the friends she made in marching band were two years older. That took a little getting used to but I soon found out I had nothing to worry about. Marching band kids are really good kids!

  17. I am so proud of my Princess! You are growing up to be such a beautiful, well rounded Young Lady. To be part of a Varsity Team your freshman year of High school is quite the accomplishment and shows what hard work you've put into making it happen.

  18. Hope that she has a wonderful time!

  19. Wishing Emma a wonderful time!! ;) xo Heather

  20. She'll have a great time!! So much fun!


  21. Oh wow, they really truly GO to camp! Our son just drove over to the high school every morning for his two weeks of band camp each summer.

  22. How exciting! I bet Emma has a blast! It will also be nice to have one-on-one time with Josie!

    Hope you all have a great week!

  23. Sounds like a ton of fun!
    I never went to band camp but I did go to a youth group camp (and stayed in a college dormitory). So much fun!
    I played the flute in school too (so very long ago)!
    I bet Miss Josie will miss her big sister terribly (and maybe you will too)!


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