July 5, 2012

Families for International Children Heritage Camp 2012

The week before we went on vacation, Josie attended a four-day heritage camp sponsored by the Families for International Adoptions.   

 What a fantastic experience.

 Our rental cottage has always conflicted with the date of this particular camp, but luckily we were able to postpone our cottage by a week and Josie was able to attend.

On the last day of camp, the children were encouraged to wear clothing representative of their country for the closing ceremonies.  Over 385 children attended this year's camp.  Truly unbelievable.

Yes.  I had tears.

We love you so very much, Miss Josephine Xue!



  1. What a wonderful experience for all of you but for Josie especially.

  2. What a great opportunity for Miss Josie!

  3. Love the family picture! So nice Josie could attend camp!
    Your new header picture is terrific!
    Stay cool!

  4. That makes us all get a little teary. What a fabulous camp for all of these precious children. And what a blessing they are to you all. Sweet Josie is all smiles!

  5. Che magnifica manifestazione, non ne conosco di simili qui in Italia!
    È bellissimo lo spirito che le pervade: festeggiare l'integrazione pur rimarcando la specificità e la peculiarità di ciascuna provenienza, stupendo!!!

  6. How wonderful for Josie to have this experience! Good for you for arranging your schedule to allow for it to happen! xo Nellie

  7. I loved it when the kids went to Korean Culture Camp here, MN has the highest number of Korean adopted kids in the US. We had over 700 kids in K-6 programs. Terrific opportunity for Josie to meet lots of little friends who look like her!


  8. Your love of family is an inspiration! I am a bit teary...not the only one I'm sure...when I read all the things you do to make Josie's life one of amazing opportunities. I'm sure she knows how much you love her! =D

  9. Josie truly does have the cutest smile ever! Her photos are always such a delight! You can tell that she is always having fun!

  10. Kim, I was enjoying an evening looking through early posts that I had not read before and was moved to read about your family's journey in adding this very special little girl to your lives. You can see the joy she brings to you all in your smiling faces. What a wonderful post this is! Elizabeth

  11. What an incredible experience. I am so glad Josie had an opportunity to go. That is a ton of kids. You are going to need a vacation from your vacation soon.. Smiles...Renee

  12. What a great opportunity!
    Little Miss Josie looks so pretty in red and I LOVE that purple flower!

  13. How wonderful that Josie got to go to camp. She looks adorable. I can see why you're a proud mama to both of your pretty girls!

  14. Her head gear is awesome. I'm so happy she got to go to the camp this year. My son is going away to camp on Monday and I'm starting to get nervous.

  15. Josie looks adorable in her red dress! What a great experience!

  16. What an awesome experience for Josie!! She looks like she had such a great time. Glad she had this incredible opportunity. Love the picture of the family!! ;) xo Heather

  17. Wow! What an amazing camp! Cute pictures!

  18. What a wonderful camp. It looks like Josie had a great time. I love your family pictures....everyone looks so happy and blessed- xo Diana

  19. We enjoyed meeting your family at Heritage Camp-sorry we didn't get to talk more-with our other 2 girls on the other end of the China Camp,I missed seeing you on the last day-looking forward to next year. Rachel enjoyed being in class with Josie! Have a great rest of the summer--Debbie-for all of the Marshes :)

  20. Kim,
    What a great experience for all the children and there families!
    So glad that Josie had a great time and doesn't she just look so beautiful!!!


  21. Looks like Josie had a really fun time!


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