July 8, 2012

Long-overdue mail call...

Several weeks ago, 3 friends sent me boxes of all sorts of amazing goodies. With the extreme 100+ heat the last few days, I finally had a good excuse to get back in my craft room and photograph some of the treasures. Lynn from Life on the Weinee Ranch sent me a box overflowing with crafting supplies (just check out those witch hands and heads) as well as this lovely vase and Asian planter.

She also tucked in a bundle of vintage cards with fantastic graphics.  Perfect for future crafting projects.

She even sent the girls birthday presents.  Knowing that Emma has a Paris-themed bedroom she made her a beautiful journal and sent her a French poodle and bead/button flowers bouquet.

Josie got a Mulan book and lithograph.

Thank you so much, Lynn.  You are always so generous and I always look forward to our holiday swaps. 

Next up...
Addie contacted me while I was home recovering from foot surgery and asked if I would be interested in a  box of holiday/classroom decorations from a retired teacher.  Of course, I replied.  When the box arrived, I was completely overwhelmed with the size.  It was HUGE and very HEAVY.  Not cheap to send via mail.

 I pulled out a few of the patriotic/historical decorations and they've been on display with a few of my 4th of July decorations.

Of course, I'm smitten with these Halloween raccoons.

And Josie has already claimed ownership for this superhero Valentine card.  It's hanging on the bulletin board in her bedroom.

Thank you so much Addie.

Last but not least, Tammy from Tammy's in Love has become a dear blogging friend.  She and I have special connection that goes beyond the love of crafting and antiquing.  She is the mother of 2 children adopted from Korea.  Her package included special treasures representative of our international adoption connection, as well as two darling record albums with splendid graphics.  "The Story of Ping" has become Josie's new favorite bedtime story.  I wish I would have taken pictures before I unwrapped her special package.  It was just beautiful.

Thank you so much for your friendship, Tammy.   I'm looking forward to future swapping opportunities with you.  As I've said in the past, blogging friends are the most generous kind of friends.  As I continue to spend time in my craft room organizing, I'll be pulling together a bunch of treasures for an upcoming "no-strings attached" give-away.  Be sure to check back often.  


  1. What a lucky girl. You are most certainly a generous soul indeed. I think these all went to the right person. Enjoy these...smiles...Rneee

  2. I cannot even spell my own name this morning...good grief..Renee

  3. OMW... you are going to have fun with all that amazing goodies...
    can't wait to see what you do..

  4. Totally get you on the generosity of blogging friends. I got a swim cap in the mail this week...made my day.

    The best kind of mail to get!

  5. What wonderful and generous gifts!! Blogging friends are the sweetest! Happy day to you! xo heather

  6. Love your new banner! I would love to have that bike!
    Yes, blogging friends are Awesome!!
    Very nice treasures you received from them!

  7. Kim- Wow- You received some really great things there. Love that your friends love you and shower you with sweet things- Sweets for the sweet is the old saying. Blessings and I hope you had a great Sunday- xo Diana

  8. Those vintage cards with their bright colors and the halloween raccoons are the best! Each box was chock full of great surprises. I'm sure you will have lots of fun crafting with some of the supplies. Thanks for giving us a peek!

  9. What wonderful treasures, I know you will put them all to good use.

  10. Wow! You hit the jackpot!

    I agree -- bloggy friends are the best!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.