August 4, 2012

A very heavy heart...

Thank you for all your kinds words. I've been waiting to post anything until we could bring home Emma from Marching Band camp. My Aunt died on Thursday and I was able to be with her during her final moments.

If you've been a follower of my blog, you will have seen my two Aunts' featured at all our family parties. My Aunt Jean had been in a wheelchair for over 60 years after contracting polio as a child. Her constant caregiver (my "adopted" Aunt Marion) had been with her for 41 years.  Together, they were the dynamic duo.

 My Aunt Jean was an amazing woman.  Never one to let her disabilities slow her down, she earned her bachelors degree and a masters degree in Social Work. She was a determined special lady, even when illness eventually required her to use a respirator.
My sister and I were extremely close to my Aunt. Growing up, we enjoyed many fun sleepovers, New Year's eve parties, special birthday parties for her Chessie cat, wheelchair races in her basement and lots and lots of spaghetti dinners.  My Aunts even hosted Chris and my wedding rehearsal dinner at their home 20 years ago.  I'm so grateful that my two girls were able to know my Aunt Jean.

It's been barely six months since Chris's mother's death.  My Aunt's cancer diagnosis was a shock to all of us.  As you can imagine, this is so hard.  One of the last things she shared with Chris and I was that she was looking forward to tap dancing in heaven and reuniting with her parents.

Tap dance your heart out, Aunt Jean.  Give my grandparents lots of hugs.  We love you so very very much.


  1. I am so sorry for your family's loss. You have written a loving tribute. She sounds like an extraordinary woman. May these memories give you comfort during this difficult time.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like your aunt was an amazing woman. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

  3. Kim I am so sorry for your loss. I was just checking in for email and I saw your post. Aunt Jean sounds like one in a million. You are blessed having known her. You have all had enough to last a lifetime this past is certainly time for life to quite down for a while. Blessings and prayers....Renee

  4. Oh Kim, I am so sorry for your loss. Reading what you wrote about her looking forward to tap dancing in Heaven brought tears to my eyes. How lucky you were to have such a wonderful aunt.

  5. What a very loving tribute and such a wonderful way of remembering her. Bless you, sweet Kim.

  6. Oh Kim, Just catching up... I'm so sorry for your loss! She sounds like a remarkable lady! My prayers are with your family!

  7. Kim, I am so sorry for your loss. What a true blessing she was to you and the family!! Sending many hugs and prayers to you sweet friend! xo Heather

  8. I am so sorry for your loss, Kim. I've been lucky enough to have wonderful aunts and uncles, and losing them is so very hard. Thinking of you and hoping your good memories of your aunt will help you through this difficult time.

  9. I am so sorry Kim. Such a beautiful tribute for such an inspiring lady. I think she's buckling up her tap shoes as we speak.

  10. i'm so sorry for your loss, kim. aunt jean sounds like she one wonderful lady. you and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.


  11. Kim, big hugs. I'm so glad that you were able to be with her and spend time and her last minutes on earth she knew you loved her. Family comes in when everyone else has gone out.
    Praying for you all,

  12. Kim Aunt Jean Loved you and Michelle she was so so proud of you both. THat was such a lovely tribute to her she was a really inspirational lady and she inspired so many people with her uplifted spirit she coould cheer you up even if she was the one in so much pain. But now she is no longer in pain and with Alma and Freeman. Love you Aunt Marian

  13. So sorry to hear this, Kim. I wondered why I haven't heard from your I understand.
    I kow your Aunt was a very special lady~she is your Mother's sister so she had to be! I smile thinking of her tap dancing in heaven.
    Hugs to all of you. Keep your memories close and remember the good times!

  14. I am so sorry Kim. I had a wonderful aunt like yours, she was really like a second mother ~ so much fun and full of life. You were very lucky to have such a great person in your life.

  15. So sorry to hear about your aunt. She sounds like a special lady. You have so many wonderful memories to help you get through this difficult time.

  16. I'm so sorry Kim :(
    It sounds like your Aunt Jean was such a special lady, and played a very important role in your life.
    Thinking of you and your family tonight-

  17. It is so hard loosing someone special in your life. She is finally out of that wheelchair and healed. How wonderful for her. (((((HUGS)))))

  18. What a blessing your Aunt was to you and so many awesome memories. Keep them close to your heart during this sad time. I'm very sorry.

  19. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Aunt, Kim. I'm praying for your comfort, and sending you a big hug. Take care.

  20. Your Aunt Jean sounds like an amazing person. How lucky you were to have her be a part of your life. So very sorry for your loss. Sending hugs.

  21. Kim- I am sure your Aunt Jean is tap dancing her way across Heaven as I type...and here I thought that was distant thunder I was hearing today!;>) Can you imagine what it must be like for her to be free of her Earthly bonds of chair and apparatus?
    While I am happy for her, I am sad for you and all the loving people she left behind. I know how hard it is to let go of someone you love. God bless all of you and I believe that someday you will ALL be tap dancing together. xo Diana

  22. Kim,
    I am so sorry for your loss, but I think tap dancing sounds wonderful, don't you? After being in a wheelchair all of those years earthbound it must truly be spectacular to move as she wishes! Please keep her laast wish in your mind when you are missing her so.....BIG hug, Sandy

  23. I'm very sorry for your family's loss, Kim. It sounds like you have many wonderful memories with a lovely woman who meant a lot to you. Hold on to that.

    Stay strong. XOXO
    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting

  24. Kim, I am so sorry for the loss of such a wonderful lady. Thank you for sharing her photos and the story about her. What a fabulous person she seems to have been and how lucky you are that you were able to experience her grace. Hugs from me, Dorothy

  25. Kim,
    I am so very sorry for your loss..
    How wonderful though it was for you to have grown up so close to your aunts...
    And for your girls to have known them and had all these special people in their lives.
    I remember when your MIL passed away and unfortunately, it seems to always go that way when there is one death in the family , it is usually followed by another...
    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers always!


  26. Hi Kim and Family-We are so sorry to hear of the loss of your Aunt. What a beautiful tribute you have written about her precious life. Our prayers and love are with you,and with all of your family.The blessing of her life will live on in and thru each one of you!

    Love and hugs,Frank,Debbie,Hannah,Elizabeth and Rachel Marsh

  27. Oh Kim -- I am so sorry for the loss of your much-loved and very special Aunt. Prayers are with you.


  28. oh kim Im so very sorry to hear this. She went so fast, I guess as sad as that is, its also a good thing. She seemed like a remarkable women who surely left a great mark on her family. Im glad you have lots a wonderful memories of her.
    lots of hugs and prayers for you and your family and especially for Aunt Marion.

  29. So sorry for your loss. Keep the memories close to your heart. Sending hugs and prayers your way.

  30. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you have lots of fond memories of your Aunt Jean. Those you will hold dear. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.


  31. I am so sorry for your family's loss. It sounds like she was such a fun and loving woman. I'm sure the thoughts of her tap dancing away wearing her golden crown will help you through this difficult time!



  32. I am so sorry for your loss, Kim. Glad you have a lot of good memories and will keep you and your family in my prayers.


  33. Mi dispiace davvero tanto per zia Jean, doveva essere una gran bella persona!
    Adesso starà ballando con i vostri cari lassù in cielo, requiescat in pacem.

  34. Kim, I'm so sorry that you lost your beloved Aunt. She sounds like a really special lady. Hopefully she is tap dancing in Heaven. Sending hugs and prayers to you and your family.

  35. I am so sorry for your loss but so warmed by the change to meet your Aunt Jean through you. What an amazing life. You are all in my thoughts.

  36. I'm so sorry for your loss - I remember your Aunt very well growing up - you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

  37. I am so very sorry for your loss, sweet Kim. I'll keep your family in my prayers. Warm hugs, Diane

  38. So sorry to hear of your loss Kim. I remember when your MIL had passed away. Hoping that wonderful memories of your dear Aunt will give you peace. Warm thoughts and prayers are coming your way.


  39. Oh Kim,
    I am so sorry for the loss of your aunt. Please know that lots of prayers and good thoughts are coming to you.

  40. Oh Kim - I'm so very sorry for your loss.

  41. What a brave and inspiring lady. I'm so glad that your daughters got to know her so well. I'm sorry for your loss.

  42. Oh, Kim, I'm so sorry to read about your dear Aunt. We've been on vacation and this is the first I've been on a computer.
    She sounds like a dear and spunky lady!
    My thoughts, prayers and internet hugs are sent your way!


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