August 7, 2012

Strike up the band!

Thank you again for all your condolences.  Today was my beloved Aunt's funeral.  It was a beautiful service.   I'm emotionally exhausted,  but I know that my Aunt Jean would want us to continue to celebrate "life".  When I was at the hospital with her last week, she loved hearing all about Emma's adventures at Varsity Marching Band camp.   We are so proud of Emma.  

 It was the first time she had been away from home for so long. It felt like an enternity to Josie.

Each night Emma would call home exhausted, but happy after a busy day filled with practice.

 On Saturday, we drove to Mount Pleasant to watch Emma perform. The field registered 96 degrees but despite the heat, their band was incredibly impressive.

We couldn't be more proud of Emma.

 This is a huge commitment for a freshman.  Many of Emma's friends have opted out of Varsity Marching Band.  Every Monday evening and  Saturday (through November) Emma will be busy with practice and competitions.  In one week, Emma has made all sorts of new friends and gained even more confidence about starting high school.

Strike up the band!



  1. Go Emma!!!!

    How cool, and she's gonna' have so much fun in high school!


  2. What an awesome accomplishment. I can't believe she will be a freshman already. I am sad that the school countdown has begun, we start the 20th.

  3. What fun for the whole family! I know you are proud of both of your girls! Hugs!

  4. My "Mac" is in his third year of high school marching band and loves the team like atmosphere. They travel all over for competitions and spend every early morning 6:30 am- 7:30) through Dec. practicing. It was 104'F today on the field when they came home for lunch (there are always more than one) I was so happy to bring out a nice lunch and cold drinks. Emma you will look great in your uniform and love every minute you put in. Such a great thing to be a part of....blessings to you all...smiles...Renee

  5. You have had my prayers during this time.

    How wonderful for Emma to have such a positive experience at Band Camp.

    xo Nellie

  6. I am so sorry about your aunt's passing but I know that you know she is in a far better place.

    Congrats to Emma for taking up the challenge of being part of a marching band. It IS a lot of work but sooo rewarding. Little sis will follow right in her footsteps someday I bet- xo Diana

  7. Emma looks like a natural on the field!!! I just know she will have a great school year!!
    I am so sorry to read about your aunt. Know my paryers are with your family. It is so hard when a loved one passes.

  8. I bet you are so proud of Emma! She looks adorable in her hat. Praying for you during this difficult time, your aunt sounds like she was an amazing woman.

  9. Our oldest was in marching band. I think it was a great experience and kept him least that is what I surmise now after hearing all the high school stories!
    So glad you were able to go see Emma and the band perform, in spite of all you went through last week.
    I hope you have time to rest after today. Hug your family and cherish your memories! XO

  10. Congrats Emma!! So glad she had a wonderful time! What an awesome thing to be apart of! Sending lots of hugs your way! xo Heather

  11. YEA! Emma! My two oldest kids were in marching band; BJ went to Hawaii and played a Veteran's Day service aboard the Battleship Missouri in his Jr. year of high school. I'm so glad that she liked the week long experience, it will be a fun jump on high school!

  12. Good for Emma. That is one of the key things to high school is joining something and making friends. It was a huge thing for both of my kids, (neither did band, but sports).
    Seeing the familiar band faces will make the transition to high school that much easier...

  13. What a great experience your Emma had at band camp!! I was going to ask what instrument she played...but it looks like in the picture she plays the flute. I'm sure she'll have a wonderful time playing with the band!!


  14. Grande Emma!!! Posso solo immaginare come siate orgogliosi delle capacità e del coraggio che la vostra "piccola" ha dimostrato. Un abbraccio dalla lontana Italia!

  15. I am so glad your Aunt's service was moving and celebrated her life. Cherish your memories. I am so glad to hear Emma had a safe trip, what a learning experience, what a commitment she is making! She looks great on the field.

  16. Such an exciting time in Emma's life. Marching band is such a committment! I got to take band in high school as a credit but was a majorette! Fun times!! I loved the excitement of the Friday night football games...enjoy!

  17. How exciting. Good for Emma. You must be a proud mama!

  18. Aw, I can't wait for those sorts of moments with my kids- I've had a few, but since they're so young, the haven't had as many "big" accomplishments. Congrats to Emma for being in the varsity group- I'm sure that's a huge honor for a freshman!

  19. Emma looks like she had a great time, despite the heat!
    She is growing up so much!
    Miss Josie looks so cute waiting for her big sister!
    I bet you're all glad she's back safe at home!

  20. Long time no commenter! Sorry! Still lurking but had to comment that I was in the Marching Band all 4 years of HS. I played the trumpet LOL!

    We had practice for 2 hours EVERY DAY after school and of course games on Friday night and competitions on Saturday as well through early November.

    Oh, those are some of my best memories from HS. She will love it I'm sure!!! It is a great motivator for good grades too, though it doesn't appear that is an issue for Emma from your blog.

    I am sorry about your Aunt's passing too. :(

  21. She's going to go sailing into high school (or is that marching) knowing half the students already. She's going to have so much fun.

  22. How exciting for Emma! You must be one proud mama!

  23. I know she's gonna love it!!! It does take a lot of practice, but nothing can beat the excitement of doing well, and maybe even winning a competition!! (One of my very first posts when I started blogging was about that.) Our son played trumpet in the marching band all through high school. We always enjoyed going to watch the pre-game and half time shows.


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