September 4, 2012

And....we're OFF!

Hello High School!  

Yes.  That's 6:30am.  Emma leaves the house at 6:40am for the bus!

 Hello 1st Grade and all-day school!

Welcome back to school, everyone!


  1. Our school started here about three weeks ago in Granville.....when I give someone the name of my town I always say Granville without the "D". Love that owl lunchbox or back pack.

  2. Your girls have such big milestones this year. Both so beautiful. Miss Emma you will love high school and all the new opportunities it opens up to you. Miss Josie you my dear will never be bored school. Enjoy your day...smiles...Renee

  3. Are you sure Emma is just a freshman?! She is beautiful! And Josie looks very excited for first grade~noticed her owl lunch sack?!
    Our sons are coming home this week for my neice's wedding! Can't wait for the hugs...
    Have a great (short) week!

  4. What beautiful girls! So much to look forward to for them... Hope they enjoy their school year.



  5. Awww, they couldn't be any prettier! My youngest started her junior year of high school on the 6th of August!

    Josie in full day school.......what will you do with your time....wink, wink!

    May they both have stellar years, full of lot's of adventure and rewards.......oh, and learning, too!


  6. Happy first day of school! The girls look so cute in their new back to school outfits!

  7. What? Emma is in high school? Time sure flies! I hope the girls have a great first day of school!

  8. This is going to be such a fun year for the girls. Both on opposite ends of their school years, but both having such fun things to look forward to. Emma looks surprisingly awake for the early hour!

  9. Beautiful beautiful girls! growing too fast! Happy school year to y'all!

  10. Hope they both have a great first day and an awesome year. They both are beautiful. Hope you and daddy both have a great year too.

  11. Aaahhhh, back to school. Beware how quick those high school years fly by! Hope they both have stupendous first days.

  12. Un augurio ad entrambe le tue ragazze, Kim, sono davvero splendide e felici! È Molto diverso il vostro sistema scolastico rispetto a quello italiano, a partire dal sabato che da voi è un giorno libero.

  13. Emma is growing up quickly!
    That is so early in the morning!
    Miss Josie looks so happy with her cute owl bag!

  14. Awww...I'll bet you shed a few tears this morning- just like I did. Look at the smiles on those girls! xo Diana

  15. Happy first week of school!

  16. Awww, Emma looks so pretty! Boy, that must be fun to get up that early- ugh! And I love Josie's little dress! I also love her lunchbox!!

  17. Your girls look very happy on their first day of school! Love your new header! How did you make it???

  18. Oh, my! That is a very early beginning to the school day for Emma! What time is her school day over?

    Sending the best for Miss Josie for first grade. Our granddaughter is in first grade, too.

    Have a good week!

    xo Nellie

  19. Oh, I wish I looked that great and youthful at 6:30 ! what a gruelling schedule! I wish your daughters a blessed and successful school year. The owl lunch bag is so cute too!

  20. Today was my first day back to school, too! I teach kindergarten! Hope you all have some funny stories to tell tonight about the first day of school!

  21. Looks like an early wake up call at your house. The girls look great on their first day of school. I hope they have a wonderful year.

  22. So sweet! Hope Emma and Josie have a fabulous and fun school year!! xo Heather

  23. Holy cow! This is a big year at your house -- high school and all day school! Sniff sniff! Hope both have a great school year! Cute pictures!

  24. What gorgeous girls!!! Taking the world by storm!! I am sure they both will have wonderful school experiences this year.


  25. Those are some big smile on your beautiful girls!! Hope their first days went well!!

  26. Wow, I can't believe Emma's in high school! Crazy! And that is a terrible time to have to start your day...I thought we had it bad! I know she will have a great school year!


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