September 5, 2012

Estate sale finds...

A week ago, while my husband was still off with his k-12 summer schedule, he took the girls to an estate sale and called my cell phone at work and told me that he was bringing home a haul of vintage holiday goodies. How did I ever get so lucky that my husband would gladly scout out vintage holiday loot on my behalf???  I'm not sure "exactly" where we are going to display these rather large Christmas plywood pieces, but Chris said he couldn't bare to leave them behind.  They are from the 1950s.  

He also managed to find this Santa light. I've never seen anything quite like it.  I can't wait to display this on my sunroom shelf.

These mini pink Christmas bulbs and mini packages will be perfect for a future holiday wreath.

I also can't wait to jazz up these pixie wreaths with a bit of glitter and other embellishments.

Aside from all this holiday goodness, he also managed to get 20 new record albums at .25 cents apiece.  Tony Bennett, Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney and Doris Day have been keeping me company in my craftroom.

Yes.  I'm a spoiled lady.  I told Chris next summer, he has a new part-time career scouting out estate sales for holiday goodies while I'm at work.  Looks like he has officially passed the estate sale test.


  1. woohoo... You already know that I think your husband is pretty awesome!
    Love those old records!!
    and everything else too.
    have a great day!

  2. NO WAY!!!! I nearly fell out of my Chair. I thought you finally went to one but then I found out Chris did...amazing finds. He is so good. Doris Day too. Those plywood pieces are Bronner worthy and beautiful. I am super duper jealous and so happy at all your finds. Way to go Chris. Smiles...Renee

  3. We have some old elves like that from Ebay a million years ago, but those are AWESOME. (It is hard to find a spot for them since they have to be inside, but I am sure you will come up with something.)

  4. I am insanely jealous right now! A husband that would buy all of that!!! Amazing.

    Those pixies are just adorable!


  5. I think that is awesome that Chris goes out and finds Great stuff! I think I'll have my Hubs read this. He'll go with me, but I can't imagine him going it alone. You are one lucky girl!Can't wait to see where you put everything.

  6. What a find! You are a lucky woman, Kim!:)

    xo Nellie

  7. Wow, what a haul, Kim! And what a sweet and thoughtful hubby:) Love those little pixie wreathes. Have fun with everything!!

  8. What luck! He's a keeper to not only GO to the sale but find the goods and bring them home! They plywood choir boys, well, if you don't want them in the front yard, they could stand on the deck outside your double doors, wouldn't that be fun to open the drapes to every morning!? Does he like Doris Day? She has been 'the other woman' in our marriage for 34 years now. My beloved has nearly every movie and record; not to worry, she's 88 years old now and I don't see her as a real threat!

  9. WOW! Your husband really is a wonderful guy! I'm a child of the 50s and I can't believe all the unique items he found and brought home for you. I remember seeing those choir boys somewhere, and also the Santa light....not at OUR house, but maybe at a store where they were sold. Talk about a flood of memories. Thanks for sharing!

  10. WOW... you go girly... you are going to have to build a huge shed just for all of your goodies...
    Have a great week..

  11. Kim, This post makes me giggle. Having seen your husband's Halloween decorations, I just know he HAD to have these wonderful decorations. You truly are the Holiday Family! Thank you so much for stopping by with your kind encouragement. Elizabeth

  12. PS!!!! I don't know how I missed your new header. I always look forward to them as I use them as my sidebar photo to reach your wonderful blog. Happy Day!

  13. Santa and the reindeer are so amazing. Chris has a good eye!

  14. What a sweetie your husband is. My favorite is the Santa light! The "yard deer" is pretty cute, too! Can't wait to see how you use them all!

  15. High five to Chris! A man after my own heart saving the plywood scene. Santa is a winner too...

  16. What great finds from your great catch of a husband!

  17. Amazing finds and an amazing husband! He's got a great eye!

  18. I love it all! What an amazing hubby you have..I am so excited for Christmas, I can hardly stand it!

  19. Thank you for giving me hope that this kind of husband DOES exhist! LOL Now I just have to find one!Haa!
    He did great. It must have been so fun to look at everything that he brought home! Thanks for sharing.
    Erica :)

  20. What amazing finds Chris found!! Can't wait to see them all displayed for Christmas!! xo Heather

  21. Well, how cool is that? I remember seeing similar cutouts when I was a kid. He did good- very, very good! xo Diana

  22. You gave me my first peek at Halloween Decor. this year and now my first peek at Christmas! Great finds by your hubby. The people who owned that house truly knew how to decorate for the holidays. Enjoy your finds.

  23. Yup, he has the "bug" now and looks like he knows what to buy! It's so nice when they like what we like!
    Fun Finds!

  24. What a guy! What a guy! I love your new decorations! I love how crafty you are too!! I hope you enjoy your vintage goodies!! You are lucky to have them!!msnj

  25. Oh how much fun your family will have decorating your yard with all the plywood decorations!! And what a nice job your husband did!!!


  26. Late to comment but couldn't help it. CLUNK! That's me fainting at all the goodies. Merry Christmas to you!

  27. LOVE those carolers! Yes, you are one lucky lady to have a husband who will not only accompany you, but will actually go WITHOUT you so that you won't miss out!!!

  28. I love men who shop and know exactly what their wives like!!!

    I have one and so do you and BOY, aren't we lucky gals????

    Great score, Chris!!

    Way to go!!



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