October 8, 2012

Creature comforts...

When we weren't focusing on homecoming activities, Chris and I spent some time in the garage attic this weekend pulling down Halloween creatures for our front yard. Josie insisting on helping (fake injuries and all). 

Not all our Halloween creatures are scary.

Some are honestly kinda cute.

This technically isn't a creature, but the Halloween porch garland is my favorite outdoor decoration.

Halloween hugs!


  1. So cute and love Josie's poses with the creatures!! Hope you have a great week!

  2. And Josie made for an adorable Happy Halloween addition . . . helper too!

  3. Love the lanterns!!! And of course the little Josie Zombie too!!


  4. I've never seen an adorable zombie before! Leave it to Josie....

  5. Hi Kim! I have that pumpkin guy, in the blue hat, too. I keep him out through Thanksgiving. I love the glow he sheds. I love those types of decorations! Love your blog! Thanks for sharing. mnj

  6. I'm lovin that garland. I wish I lived in your neighborhood-how fun it all looks. You could put Josie on the lawn to add to the characters!LOL

  7. Guardando e ammirando le vostre case decorate per Halloween, credo che finirò per amare questa festività che è estranea alla nostra tradizione e in verità poco amata nel mio Paese!

  8. Kim, Your daughter's Homecoming photos were so lovely. She looks like a young lady! Look at this little one, not afraid at all of all the scary characters. It looks as though she tangled with them and came out the winner, bloody bandage and all! So cute! Your H photos are the best! E

  9. Love Miss Josie!! Such great decorations, and I would love to come trick-or-treating at your home! ;) xo Heather

  10. Wow you really go all out for Halloween! BTW, Emma's homecoming piccy's were just lovely......she's a looker....better watch out!

    Hugs N Love,

  11. Josie certainly has that Frankenstein like pose down pat. Glad the decorations are still spilling from the attic and out to enjoy.

  12. Erm... do you think I could borrow that poor, injured patient you got there on your porch?
    I am convinced she would really make my Hallowe'en decorations stand out this year.
    I thought glitter skulls would do the trick, but now I know that I totally need a beautiful princess turned utterly gorgeous damsel in distress to pull it off.
    Come on, don't be selfish. You've got all those stunning creepy- crawlies, you can spare a princess, right?

  13. Josie is hysterical! That Zombie pose is perfecto!

  14. Josie is hilarious, I was cracking up at her poses! I love the porch garland, too...can't wait to see your halloween house! happy decorating!

  15. I'm back! I was here this morning, but was in a hurry.. but now I'm not. I love your porch garland and your scary and not so scary friends. And I just have to say.. Josie is a riot. I know she must keep you in stitches. I bet she was having fun posing for these pictures.
    I think all my halloween decorating is officially done! (well except for my bathroom because it is under construction!) I cleaned and decorated my bedroom today. seems like I get one room in order and another turns into a mess!lol
    have a great week Kim!!

  16. Josie sure has some cute poses! Can't believe all your amazing Halloween decorations, Kim!

  17. My goodness! I bet that was a job to get the boxes out and put all the decorations up! Josie looks like she is all set to 'Monster Mash!'

  18. Oh, that Miss Josie brings a smile to my face!
    What great Halloween stuff you have!

  19. That child makes a horrible zombie...she'd have crowds rushing toward her for snuggly zombie hugs.

  20. Looks like Josie is having such a wonderful time!!
    Love all your monsters and creatures!



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