January 28, 2013

Guess who is on the decorating committee???

At my very first parent meeting for Josie's Chinese Language School, we were ALL strongly encouraged to sign up to help at their upcoming Chinese New Year celebration being held at our public museum 2/2.  

As I looked over the list of options, the decorating committee seemed perfect. 
This "particular" committee has turned into so much MORE.  We've been meeting after work throughout the week and spending hours together each weekend at the Museum planning the event.  

Table tents, posters, center pieces and paper cuttings are on MY LIST of to-do items over the next week.

It's going to be an evening of food and singing/dancing performances at our local public museum this Saturday evening for 125 children and all their families.

 I can't wait to share this celebration with all of you...that is if I don't have a nervous break-down before the event!  Thank you Elizabeth (Creative Breathing) for my very special CNY character.  


  1. a perfect committee for you to be part of! I bet everything turns out beautifully. They are lucky to have you involved and willing to help!
    have fun Kim!

  2. I can't think of any one more perfect for the position! I am so excited for you and look forward to following along. The panda project and paper cuts looks so interesting. I look forward to seeing how everything comes together. Have a great week!

  3. I think that's a job that was made with your name on it! How perfect. Can't wait to see how it all turns out -- beautiful -I'm sure!

  4. I am not surprised one bit that you signed up to help with the Chinese New Year Celebration. Happy planning and preparing for 2/2 . . . Please . . . no nervous break down!

  5. This is right up your alley, Kim! I know that you will plan a fabulous event, everything is going to look amazing!!

  6. It sounds like it's going to be beautiful and a lot of fun. And also a lot of work. :-) But worth it! Elizabeth's little character is darling!!

  7. Oh how fun, I can't wait to see the party pic's.


  8. I'm sure the committee is thrilled you have joined them....so many great ideas you have to share!


  9. Oh you will be perfect for this committee. I love that E. sent you this little man. Everytime I see your little girl I can't believe how cute she is.

  10. That is the committee I always gravitate to and looks like you are having fun (and some work with it). This is the first time in I don't know how many years I am not in charge of auction decorations for the kids high school..put in my time...nice to have a break! Can't wait to see the end result.

  11. I'm sure it will be a super success thanks to your part in it! Can't wait to see the resulting pix! Josie always has the brightest happiest smile on her darling face!!!

  12. A perfect job for you!! I can't wait to see it all!! xo Heather

  13. How exciting. I just love your committee. I'm sure it will be a huge hit, and enjoyed by everyone.

  14. Can't wait to see how the event turns out, you are such an asset to that committee.

  15. Calm down, girlie- You are gonna do just fine- how could you not with that committee? You will do a wonderful job with the event! Can't wait to see more- xo Diana

  16. You are such a cute and good mom to do that!
    What fun for Miss Josie and the other kids!

  17. You make everything so much fun! I'm so happy for you and I know everyone appreciates all that you do! Don't you love the colorful world you create? I went to Michael's and got some of the paper dolls in the dollar bin...oh, and a small notebook! Thanks girlfriend!

  18. It sounds like the perfect committee for the perfect person - YOU! I'm sure everything will be lovely! xo Nellie

  19. It sounds like the perfect committee for the perfect person - YOU! I'm sure everything will be lovely! xo Nellie

  20. Well I'm not surprised at all! They are lucky to have such a sweet, creative person like you involved! I can't wait to see your post on this celebration. That little cny character that Elizabeth made is adorable!!

  21. Kim ...I love your blog apron banner! I meant to tell you that! Prettlicious :)

  22. The decorating committee is lucky to have you, Kim!! You are so very talented and creative...I bet the event will be beautiful!

  23. Sounds like alot of fun. They are lucky to have Mothers like you who are willing to help out.


  24. Ohhhh, I do wish I lived closer and could come and see the Museum all decorated. I know it will be just wonderful with your touch on it. I hope you will post lots and lots of pictures!


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