January 26, 2013

A snowy day...

These were taken Saturday morning from our backyard.

"All Heaven and Earth
Flowered white obliterate...
Snow...unceasing snow”
― Hashin, Japanese Haiku


  1. Beautiful snow in your corner of the world too!
    Great photos! Green to white in a few days . . . amazing!

  2. Love the snow covered landscapes...I have a 4' tall stone pagoda that must be taken to the shed for winter! The little ones I take inside too, they aren't as cute as my other vintage with a little rust on 'em!

  3. Kim thank you so much for sharing. Your pictures are just beautiful. So wishing my back yard looked like that. It has been in the 70's here. I am not ready for winter to be over.

  4. You are so super lucky!!! I would so love to see that white, fluffy, and beautiful snow in my back yard. We got freezing rain and then sleet yesterday with maybe a few snow flakes mixed in, but no accumlations of snow!!
    The ice was pretty hanging off the power lines, the carport, and the house. the bare tree limbs looked so cold incased with ice. A squirrel was helping himself to some food out of the squirrel feeder this morning. We thought that he was frozen to it. We watched him for over 5 minutes and he never moved his body, he would move his head and eyes but that was it. He left as soon as hubby opened the front door! WE have the fatest squirrels and birds in the neighborhood, because we keep their feeders full all the time. Have a wonderful Sunday and feel free to send all that snow down south for a little while!

  5. beautiful! I snapped some outside pictures of our yard.. but through the window! LOL!
    I know youve been busy this weekend, I hope you get some down time today to relax or play.. or whatever you feel like doing.
    Im having the family over for Vanessas birthday party. I made the lasagna and cake last night, so all I have to do today is make the garlic bread and the salad!
    have a great day Kim!

  6. Kim- You got some absolutely gorgeous pictures! Love them!!! xo Diana

  7. How pretty the snow makes everything look...I wish we had some here once in a while. Lovely photos.

  8. What pretty photos, Kim! The one of your tree house looks just magical! We've had some of the fluffy stuff here too, but it's gonna melt soon, getting up in the 50's my mid week!!

  9. So pretty!! Love to look at -- hate to drive in it! :)

    Hope you have a great week!

  10. That is a LOT of snow! Is this usual for your area at this time of year? I can't remember the last time we might have had snow like that! It has to be years and years ago! xo Nellie

  11. So pretty and so jealous too! Hope you had a great weekend!

  12. I just love snow pictures! So pretty!


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