January 8, 2013

Out with the old...in with the new!

Remind me next year that I really don't need to buy anymore vintage Christmas crafting supplies. 
When we weren't outside this past weekend, I was putting away Christmas treasures.

Let the Valentine and Chinese New Year crafting "officially" begin!!


  1. Wow, that is quite the stash of crafting goodies you have, Kim! The Cupie doll is just adorable, love her new dress! And your new header, too! It sure is hard not to pass up fun craft supplies, isn't it?

  2. i want to come play in your craft room with your fun supplies! i think you have enough for both of us! lol
    I'm finishing up two birthday presents and a very late christmas present.. then valentine crafting starts! It'll happen before the weekend I think...
    have a great week

  3. oh.. and I want to slide around on your ice rink.. in my shoes! lol

  4. Wow, that's a lot of Christmas supplies. I can't wait to see what your have in store for Valentine's Day crafts.

  5. What cute little dolls! Sometimes we do get carried away!


  6. What a great stash! It's so important to have everything right at hand when the times comes to get creative. I need to pick a project or two for Easter and get working on those. My vintage trim box is full to overflowing and no more can enter this house until I use some of it up.

  7. I 'won't' remind you....if you 'won't' remind me! It's too much fun to hunt for vintage treasures! heehee! AND ....don't let me dig through your stash! I might walk out with my pockets full of loot! haha! Sweet hugs...love your sweet girl!

  8. That looks like a stash of vintage goodies. I just love it! Can't wait to see Valentines and Chinese New Year. Love the dollclothes on your banner!

  9. Look at all those goodies!! I can't wait to see your Valentine and Chinese New Year crafts!! xo Heather

  10. I know what you mean! Sometimes my stuff gets buried and I have no clue what I have....I need to get organized this year...

  11. You could open a store!
    Adorable dolls!

  12. That's a lot vintage goodness...love the Cupie...can't wait to see more Valentine crafting....blessings

  13. Wow, you have a lot! I'll try to remember to remind you but don't know how well that will go... ;)

  14. You DO have quite a stash there! But that's awesome! I would do the same thing, except I just don't have room for all the craft stuff I would REALLY like to get! Looking forward to seeing all of your cute Valentine stuff!!!!


  15. Good luck not buying more...I think that is a resolution that does not hold out well. I am trying not to buy more big Shiny Brite ornaments...only the small ones...see how that plan goes for me.
    happy crafting.

  16. LOL I'm laughing at what Laurie just said...not buying any more Shiny Brites! lol I wish her luck!
    Your Christmas supplies are a treasure trove! I'll also wish you good luck with that! LOL
    Erica ;)

  17. I love all your cute vintage crafting supplies! I'll be looking forward to see what you create for Valentine's now!

  18. How good that you have a place to store these lovely things! Kewpie dolls are really cute! xo Nellie

  19. Kim,
    I will remind you if you remind me, deal????

  20. Kim, I am swooning at your supply stash! I craft so much, I haven't got a spare stash in sight. Sigh! I can dream! Elizabeth

  21. Holy smokes! That is quite the stash!

    Bring on the hearts!

    Hope you have a great week!

  22. World record for organizing vintage goodies! My problem is when I have too much I don't remember so it's nice to have such a nice open set of shelves to SEE the goodies! Blogger is not letting me post from my computer...the icon is gone. Argg!

  23. Great photos of all of the supplies you have collected and how you store them. I always envy your dedicated craft room.
    The dollie dressed up in the last shot is just precious. I just can't wait to see what you create for CNY and your Valentine's swaps, I learn so much. Have a great day!

  24. Wowzer! That's a lot of loot! I can't wait for Saturday to get started, too. Thanks for visiting Kim!

  25. What a fun-looking cabinet that is! And I love the new banner- love little doll dresses!! :)

  26. I think I've got the last of it packed ... now I'm just trying to ignore the stack of boxes I need to carry upstairs. (and then sort through. and arrange in some logical way. and stick in the storage closet....) Looking forward to your next round of holiday decorating!

  27. it's so sad to see the Christmas decorations get put away...but yay for a new crafting season!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.