February 13, 2013

Chinese New Year...1st Grade Style!

As promised, a few strategically edited pictures from Josie's 1st grade Chinese New Year party.

Didn't they do a great job on their lanterns and their paper snake?  

We celebrated with a short Chinese New Year parade down the hallway with our paper snake and lanterns.  

After the parade, bubble wrap provided classroom-friendly fireworks.

Passing out lai see (red envelopes) filled with chocolates...always a big hit!

Happy New Year!



  1. What a great way to celebrate the New Year! And so creative with the bubble wrap! Maggie

  2. Kim,
    I think it is wonderful that Josey's Class celebrated Chinese New Year with a party!!

    Thanks , Kim, for entering my giveaway!!
    And i consider you one of my dearest Blogging friends as I think we are kindred spirits!!


  3. I think it is so neat that you do this every year with Josie's class. Looks like it was a success!

  4. What fun . . . bubble wrap fireworks too . . .

  5. What a fun and creative celebration!!

  6. What a fantastic New Year celebration! Josie and her classmates did a great job with their crafts. The use of bubble wrap for fireworks is brilliant!

  7. What a wonderful celebration, it looks like the lesson plan was a huge hit and will be remembered by all. The decorations turned out just beautiful. Happy New Year!

  8. Thanks for sharing the pictures! I know the kids will remember what they learned...what a fun activity!

  9. Looks like a wonderful time! So happy they all look!! Have a great day! xo Heather

  10. Oh, so very cute!! The first graders must have loved it! I like the bubble wrap firecracker idea!

  11. Oh my goodness, Kim! What a great bunch of projects you've been working on for CNY! Love Josie's little outfit-what a great find! She's so lucky to have a mom who's so involved!!

  12. How sweet, love the fireworks ... making memories to last a life time. I posted about a classroom memory with pic from 1958 on my blog :) Happy Valentines Day, Elaine

  13. Sure looks like fun. I'm sure the class will remember this for a long time-especially the chocolates!

  14. Precious and Joyful! Thank you for sharing their happiness with us! E

  15. I bet Josie gets really excited when you come to her classroom! I love, love, love the bubble wrap firecrackers. No fingers lost in that celebration!

  16. Great looking party..and the bubble wrap firework idea is brilliant! Josie looks adorable in her outfit and looks like the party was a success!

  17. What a happy day! I can just feel the excitement! Josie is so precious and all of her sweet classmates! What fun!

  18. It looks like a party I would have loved! Never would have thought to use bubble wrap for fireworks. You are such a creative spirit!
    xo Nellie

  19. They look so cute and happy. I am sure they are proud to explain where they are from. They probably are asked alot of questions. I love that outfit. The idea of bubble wrap fireworks is a great idea.

  20. I'm sure Josie was thrilled for you to come into her class for Chinese New Year!

  21. Looks like tons of fun!!! Love the idea of using bubble wrap as firecrackers!


  22. Those pictures are so cute!
    What fun for the whole class!
    Miss Josie and friends look like they had a marvelous time!
    Well done!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.