March 22, 2013

Crafting with spools...

A confession.  I can't sew. At all.  My talented mother apparently didn't pass along her sewing genes. 
That being said, ever since the Easter swap hosted by Sandy, I've gotten a tad bit addicted to making things with thread spools.

 When I saw a bag of pastel thread at my local Goodwill, I thought what can I make with them for Easter?

Using a few of my extra Easter floral picks, they were embellished with a bits of ribbon, glitter, flowers and stickers and then hot- glued to the top of my thread spools.

Don't you agree everything looks better on a spoolie pedestal?  I think this group will enjoy an Easter outing on my dining room table Easter morning.  Can you guess which table setting Mr. Blue Bird will be sitting next to?
Have a crafty/thrifty weekend, friends.  My mom and sister are coming into town to visit on Saturday and we're spending the day antiquing.  It's been months since we shopped together.  Can't wait!


  1. sweet spoolies Kimmie!
    I'm hoping to get some time crafting tomorrow!!
    Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

  2. It is addicting isn't it?! Very Cute! Have fun with your family shopping this weekend, can't wait to see what you find!

  3. Your spoolies are really cute! I've seen so many deocrated spoolies on blogs...some with lots of decoration and some are so simple! Would love to see you Easter table decorated with these! Have fun shopping!!


  4. Why yes! Everything does look better on a spoolie pedestal!! So cute!

  5. So cute . . . I have never heard of "Spool Addiction" until you! (Not sure if there is a self help support group.).
    Said with a smile . . .

  6. So much cuter on their little pedestals. I've thrown away old cheap thread and only kept wooden spools. We should never throw anything away! heehee! Sweet hugs!

  7. I'm with you on spools. Have a great weekend, and buy yourself some treasures!

  8. Yes...I love the little spoolies! Have a great day out!

  9. Cute little spool decorations! If I'm inclined to do anything with spools it would be to use one with thread on the sewing machine, but I'm not very motivated to do even that.:-)

    What a delightful week-end you will have antiquing! I'm only slightly envious!

    xo Nellie

  10. So cute!
    Have tons of fun this weekend!

  11. Your spoolies really are sweet. They will be such fun decorations on your Easter table. Have a great weekend with your Mom and sister!

  12. OMGosh- Those are SOOOO cute, Kim. It reminds me of Viv's work, too- just darling- xo Diana

  13. Oh my goodness those are sooo cute! They are all so sweet!! Happy antiquing!! :) xo Holly

  14. You may not be able to sew,but you sure can are talented in cuteness! :) That room you create in looks wonderfully fun. Blessings

  15. Your spoolies are adorable Kim!! Love them all!! Have fun tomorrow!! Can't wait to see what you bring home! xo Heather

  16. You are so talented in so many ways!
    You are so creative!
    Adorable and fun spools!

  17. I love all your Easter "spoolies". I have never heard of spoolies before blogging, but I just love them. They are so adorable.

    xo Danielle

  18. These look so nice! I've never heard of spoolies before, but I'm very interesting now.

  19. They are adorable spoolies. Have fun antiquing with your family.

  20. CUTE!!!
    Have a wonderful time and I hope you find a FEW goodies!

  21. Cute little Easter crafting. Have a spectacular visit/shopping with your mom and sister!

  22. From one addicted spool hunter to another, what cutie patooties! Have a fun weekend. PS Your Easter header is absolutely charming. I always love to see what the month will bring! Elizabeth

  23. kim,
    You have given me ideas .. now all I need is time. I have a whole plastic sewing box full of thread spools so now I will be looking to see what else i can use them for other then sewing!!
    I can sew but have no time to sew....
    I am catching up so I wanted to say that i love the dishes you got at Goodwill and I totally adore the Easter parade with all the sweet bunnies and chicks...
    Thanks so much for always stopping by!!


  24. Oh yes, I agree. Everything looks cuter when it's on a spoolie pedestal! Those are adorable Kim, and I hope you found some goodies while out antiquing!

  25. Such sweet ideas, I have so many spools saved that could be put to use! I have flagged your spool Christmas trees and these spring lovelies as well. Wishing you a successful antiquing adventure, I look forward to seeing what caught your eye.

  26. what great, cute ideas! I have never been able to sew either...

  27. So cute! Who needs to sew?!

    Hope you had a great weekend!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.