April 22, 2013

Dressed up nest part 2!

Thanks for all the concern about our city and the flood waters that I posted recently.   I almost feel guilty sharing pictures.  We're fine.  Lots of businesses and homes have been effected, but our home is absolutely fine. I didn't want to give the wrong impression. No denying, the view from my 7th floor office is certainly exciting right now!   It's been record-breaking flood waters for our city. 

Before I get to my dressed-up nest give-away, I have to share the nest that Viv made for me. 

 Isn't her little blue bird is Darling with a capital "D"!!!

Thank you, Viv!

Speaking of nests, Josie picked Chris from "A Little Creation" this evening for my Kim K. nest give-away.

Happy Spring, Chris!  Please send me your postal address. 
I've been enjoying nests so much lately that my fireplace mantle now includes a spring-makeover with a few more nests.  Pictures to come later this week.  Stay dry everyone. Our little part of the state has had 10 inches of rain this month.  More rain/snow is in the forecast this week. Those May flowers better be awfully fantastic!


  1. Oh my goodness...that's alot of rain! Viv sure is talented! That little bird is Darling :) Congrats to Chris!

  2. Congrats to Chris. That is sure a cute little "picker" you have there!;>) That water is something else- I am so glad that your house is safe but sad for your city- xo Diana

  3. Yippie for me! Thanks to Josie
    Chris =]

  4. congrats to Chris!! she will love your nest. I have a "plant post" coming up sometime this spring, where i will post something that Chris sent me quite a while ago.
    Glad you like the nest I made you. I have the one you made me sitting right here beside my computer!
    have a lovely day! (I do hope you know how to swim.. just in case!) (hmmm, on second thought.. I probably shouldnt joke about that.. whoopsie.. sorry!)
    have a great day kimmie!

  5. Congratulations to Chris . . . Happy Nest Enjoyment!

  6. Congratulations Chris, you're gonna love it. BTW I noticed Josie has front teeth again........yay!


  7. Hi Kim, Thank you for telling me about all of this flooding. I have so many nieces and nephews and their young families who live in the GR area, I will have to call and see how they are faring. You don't think of flooding when you think of MI. Wow!
    Your nests are all so sweet! This has been such a fun swap. Have a lovely dry day! E

  8. If April's rain would make it so, your May flowers will be the best ever! Stay high and dry! xo Nellie
    Oh, congratulations to lucky Chris!

  9. I see Josie's smile is filling in! Congratulations to Chris, lucky winner! Stay dry, your blog header is very appropriate this month.

  10. Congratulations to Chris! I always think of snakes whenever I see flood waters. Hopefully it's too cold for them to be in the rivers. Or maybe that's just in Louisiana? just in case, stay out of the basement of your office building for a while :)

  11. What an adorable nest she sent you, just too cute. Congrats to Chris on winning your precious nest! Josie sure looks cute.

  12. Such cute nests! Congrats to Chris winning your sweet nest! :) It's been raining here a lot too, ready for some sunny days and those flowers I hope too, are going to be awesome!! :) xo Holly

  13. That's a lot of water!
    Such adorable nest!


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