April 22, 2013

Earth day and lots and lots of water...

Happy Earth day! In my little part of the world, Kent county is under a flood warning and my University office building has sandbags around it.  The girls even had school closed on Friday due to flooding. 

The Grand River is  truly amazing and scary right now.  I snapped these pictures this morning. 

Hard to believe that this is normally a walking path.

I just so happened to have a video project with a fellow faculty member and decided to take a few pictures of the Grand River around my office.  In case you're curious, my office is on the 7th floor of this building.  I've got an amazing view of the flood. 

This is the Fulton Street bridge which is currently shut down.  Just look how high that water is!!

The flood has even impacted the creek that runs behind our house. This was a picture taken in February when it was 6 inches deep.

Look how narrow the creek is.

 On Saturday it was over 48 inches deep and much much wider. 

The creek's current is running fast. We're very lucky. Our house is safe and dry.

  On this earth day, I'm thinking of water.  Lots and lots of water.  


  1. Wow, that looks just our 100 year floods that we have every 10 years or so! Seriously, we've seen water in this valley flood over our bridges which are just as high as yours over the Salt River. They've even closed off part of the river, or rather, rubber dammed it for a lake in Tempe. When it floods the rubber dams collapse and the water runs right through.....quite the technology and it's kind of neat to have a sailing lake in Tempe....in the middle of the desert.

    Stay dry,

  2. That looks so close!
    Yikes! Scary!
    Hope you all remain safe!

  3. It really makes you realize the power of water and nature when you see flooding like this. Stay dry and safe....

  4. That has to be scary. I am hoping that your home is from flooding. Stay safe. I hope that things get better soon. HUGS and prayers.

  5. Wow -- that is scary!! So much rain here lately too! Stay safe!

  6. Wow!!! So glad you and your family is safe!!! chris

  7. Kim,
    I don't know what it is about that picture of Emma in the pink jacket but she looks so grown up! She's loosing her little girl look and turning into such a lovely young lady! Happy Earth day & stay dry...Hugs...Patti M :)

  8. Wow, that is a lot of water! Hope it clears up soon!! Wishing you a wonderful week! xo Heather

  9. I hope the water stops rising.. thats a little scarey. It certainly has been a wet spring. I wonder what the rest of the spring and summer will be like.
    great pics though!
    have a great week

  10. Mother nature sure can be frightening. Stay safe!

  11. Those rising waters are very frightening. Some parts of Ontario are experiencing similar threats. Makes us realize how much is not in our control. Happy Earth Day to you, keep us posted on the situation Kim.

  12. Take care of yourself, Kim! Flooding is very scary! Hopefully everyone is out of harm's way. xo Nellie

  13. I am happy it is receding . . . just hope the rains predicted for this week on't add to the already overflow!

    Cute three of you and the one guy! smile . . .

  14. Wow, that looks a little scary. Hope it starts to recede soon.

  15. Kim,

    Glad to hear that all is safe and dry for you!!

    My area is no stranger to flooding so I know what you were going through...



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