May 10, 2013

In honor of Mother's Day...a note to Josie's birth mother

I don't expect that we will  ever have any information about Josie's birth parents.  We do have a few pictures of her life at the orphanage that were taken with a disposable camera.  Based on what we were told from her finding ad and her nannies, she was only with her birth mother for a few weeks before she was abandoned and came to live in the orphanage.  

Over this past year , Josie been asking more about her orphanage life in China and her birth mother.   

In the past, I've posted a message to Josie's birth mother on my blog.  As mother's day approaches, the message is worth repeating.
Your daughter is growing into a beautiful little girl.  
She's lost many baby teeth this past year and grown several inches.  

Please know that her medical conditions have been taken care  and she regularly sees a cardiologist who monitors her condition.   In fact, most people are surprised that she has a congenital heart defect because of her never-ending energy.  

She’s smart, funny, and brings a positive spirit to our family.   She still jumps up and down with joy every time I come home from work and I will never grow tired of my one-person welcoming committee.

She LOVES going to school and has many many friends...especially boy friends

She loves to eat...chocolate is STILL her absolute favorite.

Playing outside makes her extremely happy...especially if her big sister is playing with her.

She has a beautiful big sister that is a wonderful role model (and sometimes wants to be her extra mother).

Her big sister loves her very much and Josie loves her back unconditionally....even when they squabble

When I see our two daughters together, we know our family is now complete.
Thank you for your sacrifice and your selflessness.

Thank you for choosing life for this precious little girl.

You have shared with our family a priceless gift. We are forever grateful. We will never forget you.
Happy Mother's day to all the special ladies in my life.  
I hope you have a marvelous Sunday.  Have a splendid weekend doing whatever makes you happy.


  1. Such a sweet and beautiful post! You do have such a lovely family. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. perfectly said! she truly gave Josie a wonderful gift.. isnt it amazing how things in life fall together.. and if they are meant to be... they are!
    have a great mothers day weekend Kim.. you are an awesome mother and a blessing to your family!

  3. Such a beautiful letter. I'm sure her birth mother would be so happy to see that things turned out so well. Have a wonderful Mother's Day.

  4. So beautiful Kim . . . giving, intentional, kind and tender.
    Happy, Happy Mother's Day . . . enjoying your beautiful girls, "window door creator" husband . . . and wonderful life!

  5. Beautiful letter (She said wiping tears from her eyes with the hem of her nightie). How lucky your family is to have found each other.

  6. What a beautiful post for Mother's day. Both of your daughters are beautiful and a blessing from God. Enjoy this special time with your sweet family. They sure grow up fast...and you miss them when they move away! Sweet hugs!

  7. Beautiful post! A very happy mothers day to you as well....blessings

  8. What a beautiful letter. Her birth mother would be so happy to read that Kim. You are an inspiration to all Mom's. Happy Mothers Day!

  9. You are an exemplary role model for all of us dear friend. God Bless, and have the best Mother's Day ever.

    Love ya'

  10. Such a beautiful and moving post. Wishing you a blessed Mother's Day.

  11. What a wonderful mother YOU are...

  12. Beautiful words. Josie is right where she was intended to be because of her birthmothers choice.
    Happy Mothers Day Kim!
    Erica :)

  13. Thank you for the lovely reminder that a mother's love is shown in so many ways. Josie is so blessed to have the chance to have the life she is how sharing with you.

  14. A beautiful post!! Wishing you a very Happy and Blessed Mother's Day! xo Heather

  15. Beautiful letter, Kim! Very well said!
    Happy Mother's Day to you! xo Nellie

  16. Thank you Kim for reminding us even though we are bombarded by horrible stories of the darkness of this world there are still kind & wonderful & selflessly loving people all around. That even in the dark places... like foreign orphanages... rays of light can burst forth. Happy Moms day...hugs Patti M : )

  17. What a sweet post! You are one blessed mama! Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day!

  18. Brings tears to my eyes! My sister had a baby girl and gave her up for adoption after her birth. This was 30 years ago. I've seen pictures of my neice...and I hope she had a lovely family like yours to raise and love her!
    Happy Mom's Day!

  19. Absolutely beautiful!
    Every single word!
    What a special and adorable little girl! What a special and beautiful big sister she has too!
    You are an amazing family!
    How blessed for all of you to find each other!

  20. Kim,
    This brought tears to my eyes!!
    The world is a far better place because of people like you and your hubby who have opened their home and hearts to children who need a loving family!!

    Wishing you, Kim, a very HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

    Your girls are so lucky to have you as their Mom!!


  21. What a beautiful letter. She is the perfect addition for your family. Happy Mother's Day! I am sure your family will make it a special day.

  22. Ohhhh, God bless you sweet girls. It's so wonderful to see your sweet girls and the love they have for each other. They will bring you much joy in the years to come.


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