May 13, 2013

Weekend Highlights...

Guess who ran their first 5K road run Saturday!?!

 Josie would have LOVED to join her big sister and Daddy, but she helped me cheer them on.  

They've only been training a few weeks and I definitely see more road runs in their future together.

This is them coming through the shoot at the end of the race.  I'm so proud of Chris and Emma. Way to go!!

Although the vegetable garden hasn't been tended to yet this season and is full of yellow flowering weeds, it made for a beautiful photo shoot this weekend.

I hope your weekend was a lovely one.

 I'm moving to a new office in a new building today.  I didn't sleep at all last night.  A busy Monday awaits!


  1. great pics! congrats to Chris and Emma, I love that they are running together, thats so special!
    good luck with your moving today. I wish there were three days in a weekend!
    happy Day!

  2. Love the field of yellow with the girls. Beauiful,photo . . . Congratulations to Chris and Emma . . . wonderful to experience together. Happy you enjoyed your MOM Day!
    I really enjoyed this post . . . I hope the move day goes smoothly!

  3. Good for Chris and Emma! I hate moving offices! Hang in there!

  4. Yay for your runners!! Hope you have a great week and an easy move! :)

  5. Great job Chris and Emma......woo hoo! Don't lift anything too heavy while moving the office please.


  6. Congratulations to Chris and Emma!

    Our vegetable garden is still much to wet to do any planting. My husband is doubtful that there will even be planting in May. Usually we have this done well before this time.

    I send along wishes for a good move for you.

    xo Nellie

  7. That is so great that Chris and Emma could share the excitement together! Sounds like you had a great weekend, hope you office move goes well! And that you get a good night's sleep tonight:)

  8. Lovely pictures! The race looks like fun! I ran cross country and track in middle and high school. Luke and I have been wanting to sign up for a couple races over the summer, so we'll see! :) Hope you had a lovely Mother's day!! xo Holly

  9. Congrats to Chris and Emma!! So fun for them to do that together!! Darling photo of the girls!! Wishing you a easy day moving offices!! And, so glad you had a blessed Mother's Day! Happy new week! xo Heather

  10. Good luck on the move. Hope it goes uneventfully. Congratulations to Emma and Chris. 5K seems like such a long way to me!

  11. Woot~Woot to your hubby & daughter, don't know if I could walk 5k, lol! Love your weedy garden, nature's beauty. My office moved 2X in 2 years, aarrgh, it was a mess. Good luck today!

  12. How wonderful! My sons and their kids all run in races! It's a great way to encourage your kids to improve their own personal best and stay healthy, too! Great pics!

  13. Great pictures~can always count on you to have something fun to report! good going, Chris and Emma! I can see Josie joining them when her legs are longer.
    Hope your move goes smoothly. Hugs!

  14. The photo of the girls walking throught the field of mustard is a real winner ~ you definately need to have it blown up and framed...lovely, lovely, lovely. And my congratulations to the runners, way to go!

  15. Beautiful photo of the girls amongst the "weeds"!

  16. What a great photo of your girls!
    Hurray for Chris and Emma!
    I hope your week calms quickly! You are going to need a lot of soothing bubble baths or something!


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