June 7, 2013

School's out!

The girls have a half day of school and then they are officially on summer vacation. My husband is done with his school obligations after Monday.  Woo hoo!!
1st day of school - September
1st grade Chinese New Year party - February

1st Grade Field trip to Boulder Ridge Animal Park - May 
 I can't believe Josie's done with 1st grade and Emma's completed her freshmen year of high school.
Marching Band camp - August

Marching Band State Finals - November
Homecoming - September
Emma's 15th birthday party - May

 It's been a year of academic challenges, new friendships and wonderful adventures. 

My new blog header!

Welcome summer! 



  1. Congratulations on another year of wonderful achievements for your sweet girls. Our kids only had a half day yesterday. I need to get a post done about it. I bet you are looking forward to a fun summer with hubby and kids- xo Diana

  2. Happy Summer . . . The days are racing fast . . . Emma and Josie are growing up . . . I know you treasure and enjoy them . . . each!

  3. Looks like another great school year in the books! and I'm guessing from your new header you're off a fun family vacation! Enjoy your summer!

  4. I think it's official now that you've changed the header! Now it's time for a lot of cookouts, swimming and treehouse adventures.

  5. Yay! Time for summer vacation! Have happy summer days ahead! xo Nellie

  6. This school year went by so fast~looking forward to a terrific summer and many adventures for your family~always enjoy your blog updates!
    Have a terrific weekend!

  7. Looks like another wonderful year! They just fly right by! Happy Summer!! Cute new header! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!! xo Holly

  8. You've had a full year and I know you're ready for some summer relaxation...and vacation! Sweet photos my friend. Happy times!

  9. Hooray!
    My, how they have grown!
    They are so adorable!

  10. The girls are so adorable. I new the new header too!

  11. Bring on the summer fun! I love the pic of Emma's party with Josie tucked down in there! lol
    Erica :)

  12. Yay!! Happy summer!! These years go by so fast!! Such sweet photos!! Happy weekend to you! xo Heather

  13. Two of the cutest kids ever, clear that they adore each other...Will be right here to check on the summer escapades in Michigan!

  14. Super! Now everyone can have a fun summer.

  15. These are some of the best years of your life! They grow up so fast. Blessings to you and yours - and happy days ahead!

  16. Kim,
    Love the new blog header!
    Happy Summer to all of you!! I bet the girls are glad to be off from school even though it looks like that had a fantastic year!!


  17. What a wonderful year it's been for the girls! Kim, it really goes by so quickly... cherish these days.
    Emma look beautiful in lavender, btw.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.