June 16, 2013

Thank you...

Happy Father’s Day to a special man who is willing to play endless board games.

 Happy Father's day to a special man who is also BRAVE and patient enough to help Emma learn to navigate the world of driving.
Happy Father's day to a special man who gives Josie nightly piggy back rides to bed (even when she doesn't want to go).

Happy Father's day to a special man who recently dusted off the running shoes and helped Emma train for her first road run.

 Happy Father's day to a special man who is always busy constructing some "magical" structure in our garage.
 Happy Father's day to a special man who is always willing to hit up one more estate sale or antique store in search of the special "something" for me and the girls.
Happy Father's day to a special man who loves our children in ways I cannot love them.
 I love you, sweetie.

PS.  Happy Father's day to Grandpa Hurst and Papa Kenward too.   The girls love you to the moon and back. 


  1. happy fathers day to Chris! I agree, hes a pretty good guy!
    and happy sunday to you Kimmie! Have a great day. OH amd OMG.. I cant believe Emma is driving! wow!
    It was so hard for me to teach my kids to drive... Hard to let them drive my car.. I had trouble just letting them push my grocery carts! LOL!
    happy day!

  2. What sweet pictures! And a lovely post about a special Dad!

  3. Great post! Enjoy your Father's Day!

  4. Awww what a sweet tribute to your own superman.

  5. Sweet pictures of the girls and their father :) Happy Father's day to him! :) Enjoy your day together! xo Holly

  6. What a great post about Chris. Happy Father's Day!

  7. He sounds like a great dad and wonderful husband, and your post is a sweet tribute! Have a nice Fathers' day to you all!

  8. Happy Father's day Chris, you're an awesome dad!


  9. Such a lovely family . . . super dad . . . wonderful mummy. Happy day to you all!

  10. He is well deserving of your praise and indeed more. He is such a wonderful, talented and loving father...all of his 'girls' are lucky indeed!

  11. I feel like I have gotten to know Chris through your blog and your definitely have a keeper! (and good luck with the driving with Emma)

  12. What a sweet post for a great Dad and husband! Know you enjoyed a wonderful family day together!

  13. Beautiful Father's Day post, wonderful daddy and husband, blessings to your family on this day of celebration. Oh the driving lessons photo brought bak so many memories of my youth (at one time I did drive!)

  14. Love this post! You and the girls are very blessed.

  15. Very sweet. You definitely picked the best kind of man.

  16. You really do have a special man there!
    Hope you had a great weekend!

  17. Happy Father's Day to one of my favorite dads in Blogland! Chris is a keeper! Hope he enjoyed his special day!


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