June 29, 2013

Wonderful Wigwam Motel...

When Chris and I plotted this trip out West, we were determined to take in as much of the Route 66 as we could.  One of our favorite reference guides has been the Route 66: EZ66 Guide for Travelers, 2nd Edition  written by Jerry McClanahan.
 The Wigwam Motel in Holbrook AZ totally lived up to my kitschy standards. 
It has been one of  our most memorable motels on our Route 66 tour.

 The Wigwam Motel is owned by the original family since they were built in 1950.

Look how cozy our wigwam looks at night!!

 They are bigger on the inside than they look and feature the original furniture.

 Many of the family's personal cars are parked around the motel and add a 50's feel. A definite photo opportunity even if you don't spend the night. In case you are wondering, we paid with taxes $64 for a family of four. Well worth every dollar.  Yes.  It had A/C.
Here is a short video tour of the wigwam for our family back home.  Enjoy!


  1. Yeah for the tour!
    The inside looks bigger than I thought it'd be.
    I love how Miss Josie helped out on the tour. She's a very good tour guide.
    What fun for all of you!

  2. I have so read about this Motel!!! I am so glad you were able to include a stay on your trip - so affordable and and what a memory! Great travel post!

  3. absolutely love the Native American tourists! Chris, you're so funny :)

    Andy and Cathy had their baby in San Antonio yesterday....Veronica Cecilia 9 lb 3 oz! Maybe you got more details from your mom. Stay cool!

  4. Loved the tour and seeing the "native American children!" (And hearing the voices too!)

  5. How absolutely appealing! So glad for A/C! You are headed for the hottest spot in the world just now.:-) So glad you are having fun!
    xo Nellie

  6. Oh, this like so much fun! Do they have a pool?
    Your family is so sweet!

  7. I love it! It's exactly how I had pictured on the inside. And it's so cute how Josie's is pointing out the toilet. Hope the heat isn't bothering you too bad!

  8. Well, how cool is that, Kim! I bought that same book a couple of years ago and we hope to trace the route one day in the future. LOVE the WigWams!!!! Glad they had AC. xo Diana

  9. Oh what fab retro fun! Looks like a great place to stay.

  10. I bet your having a blast! At least it seems that Chris and Josie are! lol. I think Emma was thinking, "dad, get that camera off me!" haha.
    have fun Kimmie!
    thanks for making update postings!

  11. That is so cool! I didn't know that they were still there. It's fun to see them, especially since Disney's Cars Land has the "Cozy Cone Hotel." They had to have had The Wigwam Hotel in mind when they conceived it. I just love Vintage Vacations!

  12. Looks like so much fun Kim! Be safe, and hope you guys are having a blast. Looking forward to more pics! We once stayed in a place called the Red Caboose Motel in Pa. You slept in actual cabooses! the kids had bunk beds, and they loved it. Not sure if the place is still open though.


  13. How fun! Great video clip - so many Native Americans around :)

  14. Oh, it looks like so much fun- and so affordable, too!! That will be on our must-do list for sure- the kids would love it!

  15. What a smile that little tour was! "Another Native American..." I'm so glad you got to go to the Wigwam! You're showing me things we didn't see. I hope you are going to Williams and up to the Grand Canyon! Loved all the photo opps and fun places in Williams!

  16. What a fun place to stay! Your trip is bringing back so many great memories of the road trips that we took when I was young. Stopping at all of the trading posts for souvenirs and Stuckeys restaurants for their pecan logs!

  17. Aww, looks like you are having such a wonderful and fun trip!! Love that car!! Cute photos, too!! Happy Monday and looking forward to seeing more of your fun!! xo Heather

  18. I really loved this post - the pictures of the wigwam hotel are just great! Angels to you!


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