July 1, 2013

Respecting the heat...

God bless the firefighters who lost their lives trying to contain the Arizona wildfire. I have a whole new respect for heat and fire after being in AZ the last several days.
After touring the Painted dessert and then the Grand Canyon, I can officially say I'm not a heat person.
Although it wasn't the hottest part of the South West, 107 degrees is plenty hot.
Both girls were troopers and LOVED the scenery. 
The photo opportunities were abundant.
We took the train from Williams AZ to the south rim of the Grand Canyon. 
Our train ride even came with a special cowboy that taught Josie how to play the fiddle. 
Josie also participated in the Junior Park Ranger program at both parks.  

She has been happily sporting her ranger's badge and patches.

She took her job as a junior ranger and her park workbooks very seriously.
Sunday, we left AZ and made our way to CO.
 The roadside jewelry stands and kitschy stops were plentiful.
I can't imagine doing this trip without technology to keep the peace in our car.  On most days, we've been on the road 6+ hours.  Dual dvd players have been a life safer.  

We certainly are enjoying all the beautiful surroundings found around the South West. 

We have some very special outings planned in CO.


  1. Nothing can describe the awesome wonder of the Grand Canyon! I know you're enjoyed every single day! Drink lots of water! Be careful and have FUN! (I'm keeping you in my prayers for a safe trip.) Sweet hugs!

  2. Looks like you are having a great time, despite the heat. (It's a bit different from MI, eh?) Brings back lots of good memories for me. The Junior Park Ranger program sounds wonderful.

  3. Looks like fun, and that is pretty hot!! Miss Josie is too sweet!! Have a great evening and day tomorrow!! xo Heather

  4. Glad youre having a good time! I dont think I could handle that heat. I dont even like it when its in the 90's! lol!
    stay cool and have fun

  5. What amazing sites you are visiting! Keep cool :)

  6. Such a wonderful trip and great memories are being made!
    Have a great time in Colorado!

  7. Wow! What an amazing trip! The older I get, the more I hate the heat! Stay cool and enjoy your time away!

    P.S. The scenery is sooo beautiful!

  8. Such great memories being made and seeing some awesome sights in the USA! Ditto on not being a heat person.

    Glad Josie participated in the Junior Park Ranger program...I remember when Ben did the same thing at Devils Tower and at Yellowstone. A great learning experience.

  9. This is a vacation you will all remember forever. You are making wonderful memories for your family.

  10. Wow, what an amazing trip! Love all the beautiful pictures! Drink lots of water in CO to avoid altitude sickness.

  11. Standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona! Awesome! ♥

  12. Josie looks like she is having a great time playing the fiddle! Stay cool, have fun, and be safe! xoNellie

  13. Yup, we hit 120 here in the valley the other day, sorry you missed it ;o)

    The kids are gonna remember the Grand Canyon forever, it kind of stays with you.

    Be safe and drink lots of water.

    Love ya'

  14. Kim,
    Thanks so much for stopping in , even while on your spectacular vacation!!
    I have been following your trip and WOW, what a great time you all are having!! I would die though in the 100+ heat.....


  15. Thanks for the wonderful updates! Love seeing your photos! Love them all especially the last one with the horse...gorgeous! :) xo Holly

  16. What an amazing trip! The Grand Canyon and the train from Williams have both been on my bucket list.

    Whew, stay as cool as you can, and thank the Lord for technology on long road trips.

    Living vicariously through your posts, keep them coming!

  17. Wow -- gorgeous scenery! You all look cool and rested even with the intense heat. Hope Colorado is cooler for you! :)

  18. I just got home from Colorado today. It was cooler when I was there. The 4th wasn't supposed to be to high. Have fun. Josie looks so excited. You braved that heat......you are real troopers.

  19. I so want to go to the Grand Canyon! That is on my bucket list!
    Beautiful Pictures!!


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