July 28, 2013

13 doors later...

Back the first part of May, my husband came home with a van full of free vintage doors from a coworker.
Since May, he's collected an additional 5 more doors from various estate sales.  The doors are being incorporated into a structure in the underside of our tree house for a storage/potting shed.
Over the last week, he's been busy getting the land prepped under the tree house for flooring.   The floor sits on two 8 foot posts in a bed of gravel (which had to be leveled...which meant lots of digging).  He then built an 8 by 8 box using treated 2 by 4s.
The floor top is treated plywood.
Now, the fun begins!
He's been laying out designs and plotting how the pieces will come together.
A vapor barrier will separate between the ceiling of the new structure and the tree house.  Additional wood will be cut to make the doors all the same height.  
The doors will also be treated and then painted all different colors.  We haven't picked out paint yet.
We were originally going to have sliding doors on one side, but now we're going to have sliding doors on both sides to allow air flow (this was Emma's idea and it's brilliant).  

Chris has claimed stake on this structure, but now that it's going up, we 3 girls have been thinking we might want to ALSO take over this new area too (hee hee).



  1. What a great project and how different and charming it will be. Love "The look" it will bring. That hubby of yours needs Gold Stars and Hugs . . .

  2. Oh that hubby of yours! this is going to turn out so awesome, Ive no doubt. Im looking forward to seeing it all finished. I need his ambition! Im not feeling it today at all! but I do have a ton of stuff to do tonight and its already 6:30.. so I better get moving!
    have a great night!

  3. Wow! It looks amazing!
    You have a house full of creative and talented souls! I can't wait to see the finished project!

  4. So cute! Are you planning to paint the doors different colors?! Whatever you decide, it will be amazing!
    Please send Chris to my house...he has the energy I lack!

  5. How cute is that going to be. Can't wait to see it all finished.

  6. I can't wait to see the colors you choose for the doors!!! Such a great idea!!

  7. It will be beautiful and definitely a magical place for the whole family! Your hubby is so smart!

  8. How very cool!! You two were meant for each other with your craftiness, weren't you! :)

  9. Wow, How wonderful to have such a handy husband with vision for such fun projects!

  10. Holy smokes! You guys are sooo creative! I love the doors and I can't wait to see the project done!

  11. Absolutely brilliant! This is just the most wonderful project. All of the doors painted different colors will be so much fun~

  12. That would make a fantastic summer crafting area you know! We won't tell Chris until after he's all done though.

  13. Such a neat project!! I can't wait to see it all done and the colors you chose for the doors!! Such talent Chris has, too!! xo Heather

  14. What a wonderful garden potting shed this is going to be! How fun that all the doors will be different colors. Your husband is so talented!

  15. I so love the title of this post! I have been curious how the salvaged door project was coming along. Chris has done an amazing job executing this project, old doors can be so tricky, never plum (we have a few of the original doors in our house from 1912). So looking forward to the final reveal!

  16. WHat a cool project. I love how Chris is using the old doors.He's pretty amazing-I think you should keep him!

  17. What a great idea. I love that you are using a bunch of doors. Doors are so much fun. Looking forward to seeing it all finished.

  18. So cool Kim!!Your hubby is so clever! Can't wait to see how it's going to look!


  19. Oh I just love love this project!! Such a neat idea! It makes me want a tree house and to do this on the bottom!! I will remember this for in a few years when we have kids....I can already imagine having tea parties in it! Oh and a lovely potting shed/area underneath! :) :) xo Holly

  20. How very talented your husband is! What a great idea for those doors! You and he both certainly know how to take something that noone wants any longer and then turn it into something very desirable. Super!

    xo Nellie

  21. Looks like the ultimate MAN CAVE! You know girls, you have a man who might like one playroom of his own!

  22. That is a brilliant idea! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  23. You have the most creative husband. I can't wait to see the finished product and who ends up staking claims to this space!!

  24. Can't wait to see the finished product. Do you hire him out? LOL. Thinking daddy needs some space, you. 3 have the top floor, or maybe he will share his space. Have fun and enjoy.

  25. Can't wait to see the finished product. Do you hire him out? LOL. Thinking daddy needs some space, you. 3 have the top floor, or maybe he will share his space. Have fun and enjoy.

  26. Egads you guys do the neatest things....and someone just gave your hubby those doors????? Wow! I'd have to take over that space, too. Your kids are small and don't need that much room right now...wink, wink.

    Love ya'

  27. What a creative use of castaway doors! Can't wait to see your finished project. Hubby is gonna love his space (if you let him have it...tee hee). :) Pam

  28. Wow- He is sure a handy sort of guy! That is going to be just so awesome. Seems like you are ALL pretty handy/crafty to me! xo Diana

  29. All I have to say is AWESOME!!!
    Chris =]


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.