July 25, 2013

Where Kim K. creates part 2...

Thank you for all the kind words regarding my part 1 when Kim K. creates craft room tour.  I feel a little self conscious showing off my room because it's so full of supplies and collections.  
Are you ready for the final part of the tour? It's definitely picture heavy. This tour begins with the west wall in my craft room. As you can see, the windowsill is deep enough for two dollhouses.  A few of my favorite doll clothes (some are from my childhood made by my mother and others were collected from estate sales) hang above the dollhouses as a window valance.
Next to the dollhouses is a white hutch filled with some of my favorite Christmas decorations. Loads of aprons (many hand created by Renee My Vintage Mending) as well as estate sale rescues, hang on a hook next to the hutch. 

My pink feather tree is filled with the ornaments from Elizabeth's (Creative Breathing) swap last year.
 I loved them all so much, the pink feather tree stays up year round.
 The Santa blow mold was given to me by my Aunt Marion.  He stands guard over the room.  You probably recognize the snowman standing in front of Santa as another fantastic creation from Elizabeth (Creative Breathing).  
The picture of the little girl mailing a letter to Santa was me as a child.  I made the Christmas light bulb wreath last year and it's so fragile that I decided to keep up it all the time.
The white hutch is filled with squares of felt, special scrapbooking stickers, my really good scissors (that no one is suppose to use but ME) and vintage Christmas wrapping paper.  I've also got loads of crafting supplies specific to Valentines and Christmas easily accessible under the hutch in plastic bins and baskets.

My favorite vintage cards that I've collected or been given, are in a wooden mailbox holder that I picked up from one of my favorite antique vendors.

The chair next to the white hutch has a family quilt and lots of pretty pillows on it.  

I always fantasize about sitting down in my chair, but the only one that uses the chair are the cats or my girls when they join me in my room. 

On the north wall of my craft room is a melon painted hutch filled with special collections and crafting supplies that I use on a regular basis.

You'll find things like pencils, brushes,tiny silk flowers, tape, glue, pipe cleaners, scissors, sequins and glitter.

Josie's horse collection and several Christmas pieces given to me by Lynne (Irish Garden House) are on display in the hutch.

Vintage party supplies are mixed with a few childhood toys on the second row.

Next to my melon hutch is my toy collection.  The teddy bear and the white rocking chair were my childhood toys.  You probably spy another dollhouse tucked in the mix too.

This is a Marx style house.

The dollhouse fits perfectly on top of doll bed that I picked up at a flea market last summer.

 Board games, bingo, sewing cards and paper doll collections are stored under the dollhouse in the doll bed.

On the east wall, is a child's dish hutch filled with children's dishes and paper dolls.

Framed paper dolls and special doll house furniture given to me by Renee (My Vintage Mending) are on top of the hutch.

A metal Hoosier and storybook albums hang on the wall.

I love my pot holder dresses.

Next to my toy collection is a jelly cupboard that Chris helped give a makeover with a fresh coat of paint and special wall paper from Renee (My Vintage Mending).

 I struggled to carry this cupboard to my car at the Allegan Antique market, but its been one of my favorite purchases.

The inside of the cupboard is filled with more Christmas crafting supplies and estate sale finds.

Next to the jelly cupboard is the door to my craft room and beyond that is a bookshelf filled with every Mary Engelbreit Home Companion magazine that I ever owned and my vintage party planning and crafting books.

My mother's childhood teeter totter is now hanging on the wall above the bookcase.

A blue wooden hutch holds Easter crafting supplies and silk flowers.

The top of the hutch has also become a nice area to display my doll collection.

On the door entering craft room hangs an apron filled with Valentine cards.  Most of you have seen this in February when I post this as my blog header. The bulk head in my craft room is filled with children's picture records. 

Produced in the late 40s and 50s, I collect them for their graphics.

This concludes my where Kim K. creates craft room tour.  As you can see, my room is very small but I love having all my special collections out around me for inspiration.  This is where I stay until the wee hours of the night (and most weekends) plotting, playing and creating.


  1. Wow!! What an amazing room and collection! Very cool!!

    1. Wondering if this is an active blog. The room is wonderful!

  2. Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! What a FUN room! I want to come play!!! So much eye candy and supplies to look at and be inspired by.

  3. I want to come play too. Love your room. So many wonderful things . love love.

  4. So much goodness, I'd feel right at home there. Thank you for sharing your lovely space with us.

    Love ya'

  5. I could live in that room. So much eye candy and stuff to play with. of course you could make crafts too, but I'd sit there playing all day long.

  6. Love your craft room! I've been following your blog for a couple years now and it's one of my favorites:-) You've just given me some inspiration to re-do my craft room/area now! I would have a hard time leaving that room. I also love how you have little areas and sections decorated with themes and seasonal decor along with treasures from your blogland friends.

  7. Wonderful, wonderful, Kim! Very much your kind of place! xo Nellie

  8. WOW
    LOVE your craftroom! It's just loaded with AWESOME goodies!
    Very cool counter!!!
    I LOVED the tour! So much eye candy!

  9. Oh my goodness!! I would love to come over and look through your treasures!! Every corner is so amazing with so many goodies! Love everything!! What a very fun cabinet to open...to crafting/Christmas supplies and estate finds!! LOVE!! xo Holly

  10. There is loads of cuteness going on here. I loved every inch of it. Thanks for the tour.


  11. Sweet! Always fun to see all the pictures and dream of all your goodies!
    Wait until you hear about my terrific day yesterday....I really need to blog about it and show pictures.
    Once. Gain, thanks for sharing your creative genius!

  12. It's all so wonderful! I love the doll houses and the doll chest of drawers and clothes and the vintage Christmas decor and and and.... You have created a very warm and welcoming room where you and the girls are free to create to your hearts content.
    It reminds me of the years when my Mom would put up our ping pong table in the family room and cover it in every sort of craft supply imaginable so we could make Christmas ornaments any time we wanted to. Good memories.
    (PS- I have scissors that are only for me to use, too. "No dear, you may not cut wire with those." )

  13. So many great vintage treasures! Thanks again for the tour. ♥

  14. There really aren't words for it! It's stunning! I zoomed waaaay in and looked at every thing!
    Your mom's teeter totter turned out great on the wall. And I think I need to find a jelly cupboard. I see them all the time at estate sales, and I could pack one full of x-mas stuff too!
    Thank you for letting us in! lol
    Erica :)

  15. Amazing "collection of collections!" Just amazing. Each time I catch a glimpse of a doll, toy, game, vintage and child like, I think of you. Sadly I remember those things I have given away and wish I could have met you sooner.

    Treasures of old will rest well with you! Thank you for sharing your craft room . . .

  16. I have kept this post open all day to look at it from time to time. I am just amazed at all of the beautiful things and the way you've displayed them. I'm getting some great ideas from you and can't wait to add some things to my doll room. If I ever come to visit me...you'll have to give me a 'shake down' before I leave! This is just a friendly warning! heehee! We love the same things! Sweet hugs!

  17. Holy cow! How do you peel yourself away to go to work?! What a fun tour!

  18. I just love your Craftroom! It's so you! Fun, playful, charming, celebrating childhood! It's wonderful! I had some of those records, they were so pretty. I found a metal Marx dollhouse and furniture last Saturday at a yardsale. It was $250.00! I did not buy it! I had one as a young girl. I loved the pictures on the wall. Christmas is celebrated all year long! Ohhhhhhhhhh. I have to go back and look some more!

  19. Oh Kim, I'm so glad you shared! I love your special studio room - it's got everything, and everythng is sooo cute!

  20. Wow, what a fun space! I can see why you love spending alot of time here, Kim! I love your dolls, they are so sweet! Your craft room looks like an amazing toy store!!

  21. It's just wonderful, Kim. I would love to have a space like that. I wish I could have sent you some of those dolls that went to auction! xo Diana

  22. Just giving you fair warning that I am moving in with you!! That is a dream room!

    Love it!



  23. Again, so much fun stuff!! I love your little toy corner, love the teeter-totter on the wall, the metal hoosier on the wall, the doll dress valance, I could go on and on.... And that cabinet with all the Christmas goodies stuffed inside- Heaven!

  24. Kim-I love it all. All that vintage and toys and dollhouses and oh my! What an inspiring space to work in. No wonder you are so creative! Thanks for showing us.

  25. Your crafting room is absolutely gorgeous! I could snuggle up in your chair with a cup of coffee and a book, and be as content as could be. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us. I so appreciate your blog:)

  26. Everything is just so pretty! I'd love to see your paper dolls that came in the Home Companion...I love Mary Engelbreit!

  27. I know I need to go back and look several more times, and still probably won't see everything! How great that you have a room just dedicated to your collections and your crafting. I think you need to have your 1st morning cup of coffee/tea in that chair and just swoosh everybody out of there, LOL.

    Just amazing Kim. I can't begin to say what I like best, because then I see something else. I'm glad I didn't see this before I got you for my Easter swap partner...I would have been too intimidated! :) Pam

  28. I had to wait till I got home from the beach to really see this post on my home computer and enlarge all those photos. Awesome room...could move right in anytime!

  29. Kim,
    I can't beleive that you said the room is small. You would never know it with all that you fit into it!! I love that you are surrounded by all of your treasures and collections!!
    Everything is just so enchanting and I adore that you have left some of your Christmas decorations up!!




Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.