July 15, 2013

An estate sale with a warning...

While I was at work on Friday, Chris went to an estate sale that included warnings in the description of the sale. In addition to the house, there was a barn on the property that was formally used for auctions and it was filled with all sorts of things, but a raccoon family had also taken over the barn.

The advertisement said things like...no open toe shoes...enter at your own risk...bring your own flashlight...not responsible for injuries..etc. He was totally up for the challenge. He came equipped with work gloves, his hiking boots and lots of hand sanitizer.

This is what he saw in one of the pictures advertising the sale that motivated him to go in the first place, 6 hand painted Christmas elves that are motorized.

 They've never been exposed to the outside elements and with a little help, he got them all running again.  Unfortunately, the video that Chris shot with his cell phone of the elves is upside down when I play it on my laptop.  When I have time, I'll  re-shoot the video with our good camera.  They are so neat and you've got to see them in action!  In addition to the elves, Chris came home with a few other goodies that were on the barn floor that needed a bit of scrubbing.

These will be used for planters on our deck.

She's missing her mate, but the colors are fantastic on this salt shaker.  She'll be perfect at Halloween. My mom, sister and myself had our own flea market and antiquing adventures on Saturday.  More pictures to come later this week.  It was a productive weekend around the house with a little bit of thrifty fun thrown in too.  Happy Monday!


  1. How fun!! Those look awesome- can't wait to see them in action. We're just getting back from our trip here-I came back with some great finds! I'll show them soon!

  2. such fun! Im off today and thought about doing a little treasure hunting. theres an old barn Ive been thinking about visiting. or, maybe I should stay home and clean or sew... hmmmmm.... decisions decisions!
    have a great week Kim!

  3. The two of you find the best sales . . . sounds like "now the fun begins" at your house with the tweaking, cleaning and getting ready for each/all the holiday decorating!

    Looking forward to seeing the video!

  4. Kim they are fantastic, and worthy of being on American Pickers! Love the pots and shaker too.

  5. The elves are so cute! What an adventure to go to that sale. I can't wait to hear about the one YOU went to! Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  6. Those elves look so fun and cute!! I bet they are very neat in action! :) Cute planters and love the salt shaker!! Happy Monday! xo Holly

  7. What an outstanding opportunity! Great finds, Kim, and I'm eager to see what YOU found as well. xo Nellie

  8. Another high five to Chris for his purchase with the elves...he has gotten quite a few high fives from me this year!
    Glad you had a flea market adventure too and the weekend was productive. Those are the best kind.

  9. What fun finds! I remember mechanical elves like that in our neighborhood when I was a child - brings back memories :)

  10. Love the elves but your banner is wonderful. I love vintage dolls. Have you recovered from your travels. I am finally feeling better. Isn't Colorado beautiful.

  11. I would of been curious to go to that "digger" sale too with a description like that. I love those wooden elves. Those are darling. I am loving your new blog banner with the vintage dolls - so cute. Have a great week.


  12. How fun this will be to put up at Christmas. I love your new banner-just love those sweet dollies!

  13. Those are so neat!! Wow, love them!! Happy sweet Monday!! xo Heather

  14. Those elves are SOOOO fun!! :-) And the pots (Frankoma?) will look perfect out on your patio. Can't wait to see the other things you found.

  15. What great finds, Kim! You are so lucky that you have Chris as your own personal "picker"! I kept waiting for the part where you said he came home with a raccoon:)

  16. That's too funny. I assume he didn't have to kick any sleeping raccoons off the elves. He really has a knack for finding vintage Christmas decor though. Can't wait to see what you and your mom found!

  17. WOW! The little elves are so cute. Can not wait to see them in action. Oh Kim I am in love with your new header. The dolls are so sweet.

  18. Love your new header. All the finds too. Those elves will be super fun this Christmas.......blessings

  19. He set a goal, kept his eye on the prize, and got his reward! They are soooo cool! I can't wait to see them this Holiday season, in action!
    I noticed that your new dolly is no longer walking around pants-less! Too cute!
    Erica :)

  20. These are great! They will be a perfect addition to your other wonderful Christmas decorations.

    What a find!

  21. An estate sale with warnings! I can't wait to see these little guys in action, I can just imagine the stories they have about the raccoon family.

  22. I don't think I've been to an estate with that warning! Very cool elves! The shaker will be perfect for Halloween! Can't wait to see what you found!
    Keep Cool!

  23. Wow- What a fun place to visit with WARNINGS no less. lol I love those little elves. Do you think they are from the 50s? Can't wait to see the video! xo Diana

  24. Wow...I can't wait to see video of those elves. So unique! Love how you guys find the most amazing things to use around your house. :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.