July 16, 2013

Tucking away my treasures...

My mother, sister and myself spent Saturday together visiting the funky junk flea market and all the antique stores along Century Avenue in Grand Rapids, MI.  

As some of you already noticed with my recent blog header change, I came home with a new doll wardrobe.

Don't you just love basket decals on the drawer and wardrobe doors?

Other treasures from last Saturday include the doll outfits, dollhouse bookcase and a few Christmas putz houses just waiting to be flipped for the holiday season.

I'm in the process of cleaning my craft room and tucking away my latest treasures. 
It's been a while since I've providing a tour and I have lots of vintage collections just waiting to be shown off.
Last weekend, my mother also surprised me with one of her childhood toys...a precious teeter totter with the sweetest bunny decal. 
With a little creativity, I hope to hang this on my craft room wall.   A tour of my special room awaits in the near future.  Pinky swear.


  1. I love the dolly wardrobe with the decals that you found. And the teeter-totter that was your moms... oh how wonderful!!

  2. How lovely!! Great finds Kim! :) Sounds like a perfect way to spend a Saturday! xo Holly

  3. THE TEETER TOTTER! Why doesn't my mom have one of those to gift to me! Am sure you will find some great use for it.
    Perfect girls outing for you...

  4. A visit with you reminds me of my Tiny Tears Doll and my Shirley Temple dolls I have tucked away. Plus some of Suzie's dolls too.

    Love the little teeter totter thingy your mom gave you. I look forward to seeing what you'll create!

  5. Looking forward to it! I love that doll furniture! And I especially love decals.

  6. Get out!! Your Mom had that teeter totter when she was little? That's so special! It'll be very cool on the wall. I'm so glad you had a good day of treasure hunting!
    Erica :)

  7. What an amazing teeter-totter! Love those dolly clothes and wardrobe. You find the most amazing things!
    xo Nellie

  8. So many great treasures! I am green....and your mother gave you something special~you are indeed a lucky lady!
    Your craft room has always made me envious but I am excited to tell you that I am finally working on my own special space! It is slow going but I am excited~ just scored on a lighted hutch which I hope to transform. Maybe in a year...LOL
    Keep cool!

  9. I love all your doll furniture - what a happy little corner!

  10. Oh my! I can't wait to see your craft room! I love your sweet teeter totter, and how special that it was your dear mother's! I just love everything that you shared today! And, I am still loving my sweet doll you made me!!!

  11. Oh my! The wardrobe is adorable and I love your sweet dollies and cute clothes. Can't wait to see the whole room. I'm in love! Hugs!

  12. Wow, love your mom's teeter totter! What a sweet and special treasure to have!! Glad you had a wonderful time hunting for goodies! xo Heather

  13. You found some sweet finds. Love the teeter totter especially. I can just imagine two dollies playing with it.


  14. The wardrobe goes perfectly in your craft room. It was meant to be. Can't wait to see what the teeter totter looks like on the wall. Should be cute!

  15. I did notice your new header with the old dolls! It's very sweet!
    Can't wait to see you craft room! I'm always looking for ideas!
    Keep Cool!

  16. You gals always have the best adventures! Great finds!

    Hope you survived your long roadtrip. We are heading to Denver tomorrow.

  17. OH goodie! cant wait to see your sweet craft room. mine is such a mess I wouldnt dare show it right now!. LOve the dolly wardrobe! sooo stinking cute and you mothers teeter totter.. awesome! what a great treasure.

  18. Oh my gosh! I had that exact same doll wardrobe, I think even the decals were the same. I repainted it and gave it to my SIL. Now I wish I didn't!

  19. So many beautiful treasures in this post, what finds and that teeter totter! The new blog header is darling - I look forward to more photos on how everything is coming together, it is like stepping back in time.

  20. Oh, you have just great taste for choosing things! Love the tetter-totter. Three cheers for you Mom, a "saver"!

    Can't wait to see your tour. Stay cool, it's just miserable here. Pam

  21. I love all your treasures...can't wait to see a tour of your special room!

  22. Love your little vignette! I had noticed the dolly wardrobe, and was wondering whether it was new! I spent a lot of time antiquing with my mom on our trip as well- she's not too interested in antiques, but she's always happy to go along with me! Can't wait to see a new tour!

  23. Such adorable finds! That dresser!
    What fun!
    I'd LOVE to go to antique stores with you! What fun!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.