August 7, 2013

No wonder those pants are looking short!

Josie had her annual cardiology visit at Helen DeVos Children's Hospital bright and early Wednesday morning. No significant changes from last year. Her repaired heart is still working hard but her valve replacement surgery is still several years out. We were surprised to learn that since her last appointment, she's grown over 4 inches and gained 9 pounds!   

 Geeze.  4 inches and 9 pounds in one year!  I noticed with our recent cooler weather her jeans and sweatpants were looking awfully short.   

Grow, Josie grow!


  1. She is sprouting up . . . new clothes for Josie, yippee!

    Happy the heart news was positive!

  2. LOL That's a lot of inches and pounds for one little girl in a year! Way to go Josie! I noticed that her haircut is growing out too.
    Erica :)

  3. Holy cow~ I am surprised she didn't have some bone/growing pains with that much growth. That's a good thing though- means the heart is keeping up with the body! That was great news- xo Diana

  4. New clothes for sweet Miss Josie!

  5. Wow -- that is a lot of growth! Way to go Josie!! Happy to hear the heart news!

  6. Wowie zowie, Josie~Way to grow!
    Always nice to start my day with much welcome news!
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Wow! Way to go Josie! Sounds like she had a great check up!!! Too bad I can't grow 4 inches when I gain 9 pounds!!!

  8. Josie is definitely thriving with your care! Keep it up, Josie! xo Nellie

  9. What a brave little Warrior/Super Hero! <3 I also noticed she's still using the mitt I bought her. Can't believe that still fits her! Love you guys and Miss you. Hope you're having fun with PaPa. Aunt Shelly

  10. What a brave little Warrior/Super Hero! <3 I also noticed she's still using the mitt I bought her. Can't believe that still fits her! Love you guys and Miss you. Hope you're having fun with PaPa. Aunt Shelly

  11. Hooray for the good report! Four inches, wow!

  12. Oh, the joys our children bring! But they do grow a bit too fast :)I clearly remember how they looked as little children... Now all three are way taller than me! :)

  13. Congratulations on the good news!


  14. Look at that smile. She is all hooked up to wires and still smiling. Good for her and her growth. She is adorable. Speaking of the banner picture.

  15. Good for her! And look at that SMILE! She is the happiest girl ever! Give her some sweet hugs for me for being such a good patient!

  16. Wow, good for her! Yes, I always noticed, when we tried on school clothes for the next season, they were always too short. lol New clothes for Josie!


  17. A growing girl, that's great. Glad to hear she got a good health report. Go Josie!

  18. Hello Kim! I'm happy to see that Josie had a great check up...I am just catching up with everyone out here in's been such a busy summer for me.

  19. Happy News indeed! Sometimes you can almost hear kids growing...4" is a big jump! Now I know what my problem is...I don't grow when I gain-LOL!

  20. What a beautiful flower you have growing there! Do you think she'll out grow you and call you "little mama?" ;o)

    Hugs N' Love,


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