August 15, 2013

Tiny tweaks...haunted dollhouse living room

I'm not done with the exterior of my haunted dollhouse, but when Chris came home with a few pieces of dollhouse furniture from a recent estate sale, I couldn't help but get started on the interior.
A marble becomes a crystal ball, a tiny Ouija board and spell book sits on the living room couch.   
A family portrait hangs above the couch.  Everything is covered in dust (thanks to a bit of white flour).
The fireplace is filled with miniature pumpkins, an owl, black clock and poisons jug. The miniature bunting is available in the scrapping section of Michaels. 
The bookshelf is filled with a few miniature skeletons, an owl, and a pumpkin. 
It's coming together Boo-ti-fully!!

PS.  It's nearly the weekend! Go have fun!


  1. That is SOOOO cute and you do amazing work. I just love it, Kim- xo Diana

  2. Aww, that's cute. Cute and creepy, the way I like it. You think I can shrink myself down and live in there for a while?

    <3 Jackie @ Let's Go Thrifting

  3. Yes it is! And what details on the furniture and decorations - Nice!

  4. Oh wow! I am so excited to see each part you get done! It looks incredible---you are so inspiring. :). Maggie

  5. Miniatures are so addicting. It's been so long since I did anything like this. It's so easy to tell how much fun you're having!

    It's....dare I say, spooktacular!

  6. It is coming along!! We live very close to the Winchester Mystery House..... Your dollhouse is starting to remind me of it!!! Spooky!!!

  7. What wonderful work you do, Kim! It is just too cute! xo Nellie

  8. Looks great! I'll bet your mother is having fun seeing you playing with miniatures! I should check my stash...
    Have a great day~TGIF!

  9. Your living room is soooo spooky. Love the flour trick. That couch is made for a haunted house. No offense to anyone who is currently sitting on a similar one :)

  10. Some people knit, some garden, some read, some sew, some create with miniatures . . . seasonally and then there is you . . . and you do most all of these. Amazing you are!

  11. Hey Kimmy! Stop on by. I just posted about using vinegar and salt to help weed. It was an experiment that turned out well!

  12. What fun -- love this! Makes me think we must get thinking of costumes! :) Happy Weekend!

  13. I have always loved miniature scenes and houses. I would love to be able to make them, but all of my fingers are! I have so much fun seeing what you come up with!

  14. Oh my gosh Kim, this is so awesome!! How fun!! Love everything! :) xo Holly

  15. Always have had a soft spot for tiny things..and your project if wonderful. Love the crystal ball!

  16. This is adorable!! /

    Jan @

  17. OH my! Im so surprised! look how stinking cute it all is! (how was that? surprised enough?) lol! thanks for the sneak peeks.. I love it!
    have a great weekend.
    hey.. is the door project finished??

  18. Such fun, love it and the creepiness! Flour dust, great idea. :) Pam

  19. This looks amazing, I can't believe all the tiny details.

  20. So darn cute!! Love the banner and all the sweet touches everywhere!! Hope your weekend has been wonderful so far! xo Heather

  21. Way cute girlfriend. You just make me wish we were neighbors cuz we'd spend all our time playing.....I know that for sure. I just know that if you and I played together we'd lose track of all time and space and just create and create like maniacs.

    Love ya'

    Say hi to the girls and hubby for me.

  22. Oh, that maroon velvet furniture is perfect for a haunted house! And I love the portrait over the couch! It's going to be so fun watching each room come along!

  23. Love it Kim! The idea for using the flour for dust is great!


  24. Love it all (especially the marble crystal ball!) I am mostly impressed that you need fake dust! (Mine occurs naturally, I'm afraid.)

  25. omg...cutest ever! I love the banner over the fireplace! And the flour dust???? Who would have thought? YOU I guess!
    Great job as always,
    Erica :)

  26. Okay, Kim!! You are killing me with this!! I WANT ONE!!LOL!



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