September 17, 2013

A feline twist on the fabric pumpkin...

I splurged on the latest issue of Matthew Mead's Halloween magazine.
Ever since I saw his black cat fabric pumpkin in this publication, I've been obsessed with making one.  
My mother (the artist/seamstress of the family) then surprised my sister and I with our very own fabric pumpkin felines when we were together on Sunday.   The button for the nose was taken from my grandmother's sacred button box. The eyes and whiskers were carefully painted with fabric paint.
Isn't she fabulous?
When our newest Halloween kitty isn't our master bed, she's been known to hangout with Luna.
Or, keep company with Penny.
Thank you, Mom!!


  1. Oh he is so cool! I can see why you admired him! I can't believe how much we have in common as we have sacred family can of buttons too! It's so special I devoted a whole post to it a year or two ago! God bless your mom for making you & your Sis such a special thing! Matthew mead has good stuff but Martha is still the ultimate!

  2. Such a sweet gift!!! A darling addition to your family!!,

  3. How wonderful that you, your mother, and sister share such a passion for crafting! The cat is too cute! :)

  4. Such a nice Mom! Your new kitty is adorable(and easier to take care of). I might have to show my mom this or maybe I can figure it out myself.
    Chris =]

  5. So cute!! Maybe when I retire I will have time to sew...


  6. Just adorable~lucky to have such a talented mother!

  7. I saw those and thought I might possibly have to make one too! cute cute cute!!
    oh I just want to craft halloweenies! sooon soon sooon!
    happy day kimmie pie!

  8. Ah, so cute! You have a talented Mom. Love your cat pumpkin.

  9. How cute! That will be the perfect addition to your Halloween decorations!

    Hope you have a great week!

  10. How cute! That will be the perfect addition to your Halloween decorations!

    Hope you have a great week!

  11. Really,really adorable! What a cute idea!!

  12. Luna and Penney don't seem to mind the addition.:-) I really love that cat! I just might be able to tackle such a project as that.:-) xo Nellie

  13. So cute!! Ahhh -- now I know where you got your craftiness - from your Mother! She is super talented!

  14. Oh, how adorable!! Your mom did such an awesome job!! I love it and it fits right in! ;) xo Heather

  15. Your mom is amazing! Love the pumpkin kitty.

  16. We love black kitties! Your mum did a terrific job, just adorable!!!

  17. Very cute cat. Well, they're all cute, but the black one is extra cute because your Mom made it.

  18. How sweet and adorable!! Such a nice mom!! Love the cat pumpkin! :) Holly

  19. What a great mom. I love the additional use of family memory buttons in the project.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.