September 16, 2013

Settling into our school routines...

School has been underway for a few weeks and we're settling into our routines. As a sophomore in high school, I'm blessed that Emma was still willing to let me take our annual first day of school picture.  She looks pretty darn awake, even at 6:30am!
 Josie is loving her new teacher but she reminds me everyday how much she misses her best friend Kaden.   Thankfully, she and Kaden will get to play soccer together on Tuesday nights.
I'm looking forward to being back in the elementary school assisting Josie's class with computer lab time as much as my day job allows.   
Once again, Emma is very active with varsity marching band season.  
She is busy with evening and weekend practices, home football games and weekend marching competitions.   
Always the proud parents and little sister!
I'm still missing my husband's easy-going summer schedule, but I really can't complain.  So far, so good.  He's even managed to find a few estate sales on his way home from work.   Now, if I could get the lunch/homework fairy to swing by the house every evening, it might just be about perfect.

PS. Just as I was about to publish this post, this picture flashed up on my computer.  It was taken at Josie's first day of daycare after I went back to work from my adoption leave.  I can't believe how quickly 5.5 years has gone by.   My little girls have changed so much!!


  1. So sweet! Yes, your girls have changed a ton! But they seem to just get prettier.
    Ohhh I can just feel those first day of school jitters! I was NOT a fan.
    Love the pic of all those cute backpacks heading for the bus!
    Erica :)

  2. I made my kids take a photo each school year until they graduated..they knew they needed to put up with the tradition. Glad you are all settling into your routine. My kids are both headed out this week..then the routine will start again.

  3. Kim,
    Your girls are just beautiful! How I remember those "first day of school" days... It just goes by sooo fast!

  4. Darling first day photos! Such pretty girls!! ;) Glad the school year is off to a wonderful start!! Have a great week! xo Heather

  5. The days can be long, but the years short! The girls are growing up so quickly. So glad you have settled into your routines. Packing lunches is not one of my favourite chores. Today, our hot lunch program starts so I am off duty for three days!

  6. Oh yes, time has flown by! Such sweet little girls!! Have a great day!

  7. ♪♫school days school days good old golden rule days ♪♫ that song is going through my head now! lol!
    Your girls are beautiful and I miss those days!
    have a great week!

  8. Sweet post of your girls heading back to school. Oh my, how they have both grown up! Too cute!

  9. Time does indeed FLY by! Aren't you glad we can take LOTS of photos now. Enjoy your week and your sweet family. Hugs!

  10. Such cute pictures and pretty girls! Glad to hear the school year is off to a great start! I always loved the first day of school! xo Holly

  11. I don't miss those early mornings, trying to get everyone in the family ready for school and work by 7:30 am.
    Miss Emma's flute case is so tiny. Can you imagine if she played the tuba?

  12. Emma is a beautiful girl and so petite. Josie is adorable but I tell you that all the time. I have always loved fall once the schedule settles in. We are in a different era now.....going to t-ball and soccer games for the little grandchildren. It has been awhile and it is fun.

  13. Beautiful family! We too are settling into our schedules and school only started last week!I hope to get to post more soon! Tonight is "Meet The Teacher" night at Caitlin's school. Have a great day!

  14. Beautiful girls, Kim! Yes, the years definitely do bring along changes. Emma is becoming quite grown up, and Josie will follow in much too short a time! xo Nellie

  15. It is amazing how time passes so quickly and soon little girls are all grown up...cherish these years they are the best.

  16. Beautiful girls . . . love seeing them and hearing about all of their activities. I hope Josie and Kaydon meet up again soon!

  17. I love 'first day' pix! Our oldest even let us take her picture as she headed out to her first day of STUDENT TEACHING! Now she does the posed first day pix with her little dolls. Jenny at My Vintage Umbrella had a cute idea or posing for first day by sticking your head in a brightly painted empty frame with the Grade # on a little tag...adorable.

  18. Wow, the girls sure have grown! Hoping they have a great school year, bet you really do miss summer vacation!!

  19. They are growing fast!
    Love that sweet picture of the two of them years ago! It melts me!

  20. Holy cow! Time flies when you are having fun! I can't believe Emma is a sophomore. Sniff sniff! They grow up way too fast!


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