January 7, 2014

Our gnomes are snowed in!

It's day two of our Polar Vortex and everyone is still home from school. 
 Chris ventured out to fill bird feeders, shovel snow and check out the woods.
 Our gnomes are officially snowed in.  
This is how we've spent our extra days home.   Feasting on homemade chicken soup from Nana's secret recipe.  Thank you, Chris.

Making an afghan cottage.
Apparently, afghan cottages have a one cat occupancy rule.
Enjoying unlimited ping pong championships.
And having puppet shows about a very hungry dragon.
Back to the gnomes.
I have to give a belated thank-you to a certain someone who wishes to remain anonymous.  This picture was taken before Christmas.  Please know that I love this special book.  Thank you.
I hope everyone is staying warm and snug.  If you didn't sign up for my Kim K. snow-storm inspired give-away, there's still time.


  1. I love seeing pictures of your family having fun! I just realized you look SO MUCH like my hubby's favorite cousin. She is just beautiful inside AND out-just like you!

    Enjoy your snow days with the kids-they pass all too quickly--of course, then you probably have grandkids to keep you company. xo Diana

  2. It's nice to see the whole family enjoying a day at home. You sure look pretty to be inside for the day. Love your new book, too! Your cardinal looks so poofy and cold...tell him to fly South! lol Sweet hugs!

  3. So much snow...I just can't believe it! Looks like you are making the best of the snow days!! Stay warm!!

  4. Know how much snow we have? NONE. ZERO. ZIP. Buffalo, two hours away, is having a blizzard. Good place for it, I say. It looks like you are making the very best of the situation!

  5. I just loved this post, a wonderful, happy family:)

  6. The ONLY good part about this polar vortex is being trapped inside, nice and snug with our families! My windows are so frosty that I can't see out of any of them!
    Stay Warm!

  7. Looks like you are keeping busy and having lots of fun! Enjoy and I hope it warms up soon for you!

  8. The gnomes have electricity in their home,I see. Good for them,would hate to think of them chilly out there! Looks like you've been making good use of the snow days.

  9. I think your gnomes must be hibernating, Kim! I know I sure would like to be! Bet the girls are enjoying their extra time off from school! Love the photo of your cardinal. They say by the end of the week it's supposed to be over 40 and rainy. Sounds like a heat wave!! Keep warm!

  10. You look snowed in like we are. Darn though, we don't have any crochet houses to play in . . . That brings back memories!

    Be careful out there, stay warm and safe . . .

  11. Wow, it's hard to imagine all that snow. It really is a magical winter wonderland! The soup looks delicious!

  12. We just have the cold, not the pretty snow. I spent a second day at home trying to stay warm. Looks like you guys are staying warm up there and having some fun.

  13. Poor gnomes! Your book looks great ~ you do too! I'd love some of your snow, but you can keep your freezing temps! It was 13 here today, rare for us and we're wimps, lol.

    (PS/ Love the Hitchcock themed Halloween party story, poor Chris!)

  14. It looks like a "Winter Wonderland!" When do you think everyone will be back in school? Schools are closed here again tomorrow, more than likely due to the wind chill and the single digit temperatures. Stay safe and warm! xo Nellie

  15. That soup looks yummy! I made veggie beef soup today. I think tomorrow will be a chili day ! Stay warm my friend!

  16. I don't even understand that amount of snow. It's crazy! I hope you are all staying warm!

  17. You really are snowed in! Our polar vortex has only seen frigid temperatures and gusty winds, no snow accumulation. What a winter this has been thus far! I have never seen that particular gnome book, what A wonderful gift, I look forward to you sharing some of the projects. Keep warm and safe!

  18. Your pictures are so pretty. We have below zero temps but not nearly as below as yours. I am happy you can all gett that extra family time :)

  19. We had Navy Bean Nd ham bone soup with corn bread! But, I'd rather have kids around! Lucky you!

  20. Looks like you are making the best of the freeze. Stay warm and cozy!

  21. Looks like a lot of fun and lots of memories made staying in from our very cold temps. We've been filling the bird feeders a lot lately, they are so fun to watch out there :) What a fun gnome book, and a lovely picture of you!! Hugs, Holly

  22. Your gnome home is so adorable, and your chicken soup is making me hungry - yummy! Stay warm and have fun!

  23. I have been looking at your snowy pictures. They are so beautiful. It looks like you are really enjoying the snow. Hope you and your family are staying warm.

  24. Holy cats! I can't believe how much snow you have! I don't mind it if I can stay home in my PJs and never leave my house! HA HA! However, I hate driving to school and work in bad weather!

  25. Looks like you are making the most of your snowed-in state. :-) We've had very little snow, so far.


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