January 5, 2014

A Snow Storm inspired Kim K. give-away!

We started our Christmas break a day early with an ice storm and now the girls have an extended break with a blizzard brewing outside and dangerously bitter windchill temperatures of potentially -30 to -40 degrees. As long as we keep our power, I'm not complaining. 

 In honor of our snowy weather, I'm going to share a Winter/pre-Valentine Kim K. give-away.

 I grabbed a handful of these snowmen before Christmas from Target and decided they might enjoy celebrating Valentines with someone.

I'm even going to throw in a Valentine sledding tag and I'll make a scanned copy of my Eskimo Valentine (see above).  In order to be entered in the giveaway:

* Leave me a comment on this blog post. Period. That's it. Absolutely no strings attached. Past winners are always encouraged to enter again.
* Entries close at 8:00pm EST Wednesday, January 8th.
* Winner will be picked randomly by one of my two girls (whoever happens to be home and eager to be my assistant). I might even thrown in a few surprise Valentine goodies too.

Good luck and Happy Snow Storm!


  1. I love a good giveaway. So far we have a two hour delay for our first day back. Right now it is raining but we are supposed to get snow and bitter cold.

  2. Hi! Love your blog! Thank you for including me in your fun giveaway! We just moved to Florida and I spent the day at the beach today! Seems impossible when it's so cold elsewhere !

  3. Super fun and cute! Best of luck making it through the storm!


  4. We just got home from Disneyland where the temps were a lovely 78 degrees...back to the frigid 20's. But I am grateful that we are not as cold as you are...lol! I better knock on wood...Karma may decide I am too gleeful about our comparatively mild weather and blast us with her icy wrath. =D

  5. Kim, The heart to heart will not be the same without you this year, are you sure I cant twist your arm? :-) (This sweet thing is just proof of how awesome the stuff you make is!)

  6. Hi Kim, I'm a reader from Nebraska. I love your little snowman vignette. Schools are all closed here due to the cold also. My daughter is thrilled!

  7. I just love your giveaways you make such cute items. I hope you and your family the best with this nasty weather, stay warm!

  8. I just love your giveaways you make such cute items. I hope you and your family the best with this nasty weather, stay warm!

  9. So happy to see the Snowmen still enjoying another Holiday.. might as well since all of the midwest is having nothing but snow! Darling Creation!

  10. I hope your break at the university gets extended as well! Stay warm and safe. You are so generous with your giveaways. Please count me in. Time to get the valentines out ;)

  11. I adore the eskimo! Down to 20 here tonight in TX!

  12. Hooray for a giveaway! Stay warm!

  13. Love the Eskimo Valentine! And your snowmen are too cute!

  14. Another lovely Kim giveaway!!! Your snowmen are darling! Stay warm!

  15. Kim,love your cute little snowmen! Thank you for your generosity, stay safe and warm with your sweet family!

  16. Hi Kim, what cute give aways! You are so creative. I just love seeing what you create, it's so much fun!

  17. Oh dear...I hope that you can all keep warm and safe, it seems unfair that the weather here is so temperate and you are going through such a difficult time...wish I could send you some sunshine.

    Take care.

  18. What adorable things for a giveaway! Good luck with your storm - I hope you keep your power.


  19. Thanks for the chance to win something so very cute!

    It's bad weather everywhere, it seems! We've had too much winter and it's only the first of January!

  20. The snowmen are adorable, but I prefer green grass to snow. Stay warm

  21. Our weather is the same too Kim, all schools and everything is closed for tomorrow, hope you stay warm! I'm just so hoping we don't loose power too! :) Otherwise bring on the snow! Such cute little snowmen! And a fun giveaway!! :) xo Holly

  22. Crazy weather on your end! We had 45 and sunny today but with a cold east wind. That little Eskimo card is darling!

  23. Hi Kim, cute as always. We are smack dab in the middle of central Illinois experiencing the very same weather. I'm with you, as long as we keep power:/ I have been able to do a little decorating and a lot of extra baking. I've switched out Christmas to winter/snowmen. Stay warm:)

  24. Oh sweet Kim, do stay warm! I just cannot imagine life with so much snow. It just barely snows here at my mountain home. I just love your little snowmen!

  25. Oh, Kim-What cute things! I really need to do another give-away one of these days, too. I hope your power doesn't go out. I have SCheeks and 2 sisters here for the next two days because school is cancelled and Mom & Dad have to work. fun-fun-for everyone (hey-nice little rhyme there, huh?;>) xo Diana

  26. Our weather is terrible too, but thankfully we did not get an ice storm, just a blizzard :) I plan on staying home for 2 days until it warms up a bit, and hopefully get the 2 rooms painted that I have been putting off. Stay warm!

  27. I would love to be entered Kim!! I need some snowmen here in Alabama! lol They are so cute!!

  28. So adorable! I'm stealing your idea either way. ;)

  29. I would love to enter your giveaway! Those cute little goodies would look great in my sewing/crafting room!
    Thanks for the chance to win,

  30. were going to get that storm and brutal windchills here too.. supposed to start arriving today into tomorrow.. the windchills are going to be 20 to 30 below they say. I know... Im with you... as long as we keep our power. But I was laying in bed at 4:30 this morning and could hear that wind and it was worrisome......
    Have a safe storm! lol!

  31. Stay warm!! Brrrr -- so cold! No school today here either! Such cute snowmen! Have a great day! Bake some cookies! :)

  32. Absolutely adorable and I love it Kim! I bring out my snowmen every year after Christmas and this would be such a cute addition:@) Please be careful with the harsh weather, it's been a rough start to 2014!

  33. Kim you make the cutest things! Stay warm in this ridiculous weather! We are supposed to be at 1 degree tomorrow with the wind chill of -20! Way too cold for me and like you, I sure hope we keep our power!



  34. I think blizzards are exciting as long as you have power or a generator!

    Your little snowmen are so cute but since I won your last give away, don't put my name in the hat.

  35. Great crafting! The snowmen for Valentine's is perfect for my neck of the woods, will still be cold and snowy! Thanks for the giveaway!

  36. The high for today is -13, so I'm happily staying inside and blog hopping! I would love a chance to be able to add one of your sweet creations to my Valentine's Day decorations. Stay Warm!!!

  37. Wow, that is cold! Sending some CA sun your way! A sweet giveaway! xo Heather

  38. Hi Kim, I enjoy all your postings, but especially those with dollhouses or miniatures.

    Bought all I could get of those tiny snowmen from Target! A really cute application with yours!

  39. Ooops, maybe I should have shopped at Target this holiday. I usually stay away from all stored that make me spend more money than I should. I did go the one day before they announced the security breech.
    Well, I love this giveway . It is just sooo sweet. Someone will be super lucky.
    Cold here too but not that cold. Brrrrrrr.
    Stay warm and cozy.

  40. Hi Kim! I'm right with you with the blizzard! I'm in Missouri and we received 12 inches of snow yesterday and are in the -5 degrees! Love it! Love your blog too with all of its vintagy goodness! Thanks for all the inspiration and the opportunity to win! :)

  41. What a nice giveaway! Stay safe and warm! xo Nellie

  42. Oh Kim I can't believe how cold it is where you live. I hope you do keep your power and you are able to keep warm. Your things are so cute. I will have to get some valentine crafting done soon. I have already seen peeks on other blogs too. Love your cute blog header too.

    xo Danielle

  43. Brrrr. Here in southeast Va our winters are pretty mild, tonight is supposed to be single digits but no snow.
    I hope you stay warm and cozy.

  44. Oh how cute! Please count me in! I really hope you don't lose power,I live in Michigan too and it's just to cold for that. Good luck and stay warm!

  45. Kim,
    This is an awesome giveaway! I so love your creations! I would love to have you sign up for my V-Day swap! Keep warm and enjoy the extra time with the family...:)

  46. Temp in Minneapolis this morning was -27! I got the day off since the church where I work follows the school closings and the ENTIRE state of MN is closed for schools today and tomorrow! I cooked today so there is stew and baked rigatoni and scalloped potatoes and Spam for the week! Now to the craft room I go!

  47. Temp in Dallas this morning 15. Had ice storm before Christmas and had no power for 11 hours. Boiled water on the grill so we could have hot tea. Hope you are warm.

  48. Hi Kimmy!
    We're right with you with this obscene weather! We've had 4 snow storms so far and it's only the beginning of Jan. That's unusual around here. Already done with it. I don't understand those who love winter and really hot summers. Give me Fall and Spring!!!

  49. What a adorable winter giveaway! Such crafty sweetness, and the Valentine is precious.

    I can't believe how cold it is all over the country. Pray that we all keep our electricity and we'll survive.

    I just won Viv's elf challenge giveaway, so don't put my name in for yours, just wanted to comment and send warm (hugs).

  50. I'd be thrilled to win--what a winter pick me up it would be! No blizzard here in MN, but I think the high today was -10. Thanks for all of the inspiration!

  51. Hi Kim,
    Would love to win one of your give-a-ways! Please enter me! We have the bitter cold not as cold as you guys but we are breaking records. It is 14 degrees with a below 0 wind chill with wind gusts up to 40 miles per hour!

  52. You make the cutest treasures! Thanks for sharing them by having this giveaway.
    Too COLD here too! My son comes home from vacationing in Hawaii for the last 3 weeks, SURPRISE!!!
    Keep Warm,

  53. We are experiencing the polar vortex now. Tomorrow will be absolutely dreadful and gusty winds, which could mean outages :( What a winter!!!

  54. Oh boy! You have the BEST giveaways and I would be thrilled to win! Hope you and the girls are getting some time at home and staying warm! It's cold all the way to Florida today! Sweet hugs, Diane (love your cute banner!)

  55. I've been following your blog for a quite a while now. I found it when I was setting up my own blog. I wanted to use the title "Tammy's Musings" and came across yours doing a Google search to see if it had been used. LOL I didn't use that title as there can only be one Musing in Michigan! It's always a delight to read of your families adventures! Stay warm!

  56. Love your blog! I just started following!

  57. I have only been following for a short time. Good luck with the giveaway.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.