February 17, 2014

Cabin fever...

Another snow storm is brewing outside this evening.  Enough already!

Sunshine has been practically non-existent these last few months, and I've had a serious case of cabin fever while I've been home recovering.

 On Saturday, the sun made a gorgeous appearance and we took a 45 minute road trip to South Haven to view our frozen Lake Michigan. 
According to our local weather channel, the Great Lakes are 80% covered with ice.
  A truly amazing sight.   
 The ice mound that the girls are standing on is Lake Michigan. 
The fresh air and sunshine was perfect for lifting all our spirits.  Mom, I promise I didn't do any arctic rock climbing.


  1. I heard on the news that this is the most ice covered the Great Lakes have been in recorded history. One of the lakes (Superior) is like 96% frozen over. Unbelievable. It is almost scary, isn't it?

    Looks like your girls enjoyed themselves and it is good that you were able to have a bit of an outing, too. xo Diana

  2. I wonder if she would be saying that if the "artic rocks" started moving . . . I would have been freaking out!

    Happy you were able to get outside and enjoy the sunshine!

  3. We got 7" of snow today in MN, it should be headed your way tomorrow! Pretty to look at; I stayed inside all day, cooked, made tapioca and played in between projects.

  4. What amazing photos, gorgeous, but I can't imagine living with that kind of cold. Glad you had a little outing with the family. How cold was it on that ice? ;) Amazing smiles on the girls, so cute.

    Hope you're feeling better each day Kim!

  5. Aww, looks so beautiful there! Glad the sun came out for you and hopefully it stays! xo Heather

  6. Looks like you all had a fun day! It's snowing here (again) too, just a few inches expected though-take care:@)

  7. I saw that Michigan was in a state of emergency on the news last night and was being hit with yet another storm. I also saw something about the fact that we can expect our winters to be more like this for now on and that we can also expect an increase in above 90 degree days during our summers. Crazy weather days! did you see the flooding and Rain that England is stuck with?
    well I guess we just learn to cope! when life gives us snow and ice... do like Chris and make an ice skating rink! and when it gives us hot days.. do like I do and go to the beach! we just got to roll with the punches. lol. but OMG.. Im soooo sick of the snow! heehee!
    have a great day my friend. I hope youre recovering nicely.

  8. Beautiful photos, it is amazing how the lakes are frozen. I am reading your post over coffee and just before I get out the snow shovel to dig us out from what must be the same storm. I agree with you - enough! We have a joke in our family that Disney is responsible, releasing Frozen and all!

  9. Holy Cow! What beautiful photos. I didn't know Lake Michigan could ever freeze that much.

    The good thing about recuperating in the snow is that when it's pretty, sunny and warm out, you will be all well!


  10. What an amazing sight! My hubby and I both looked at your photos! What a bitter winter it's been for your state! WOW! Hope that sun comes out soon and stays out! Sweet hugs!

  11. I just can't get over all of that snow, Kim! Lake Michigan is an amazing sight, so glad you had a nice sunny day to help get rid of cabin fever. I just love South Haven, I've never seen it in the winter, thanks for sharing the photos with us! Keep warm:)

  12. Such beautiful pictures and looks very fun for the girls too! Glad the sun came out for you!! I've been wanting to visit the lake to see the pretty ice and snow, it's only about half hour away from us, maybe we'll still get to it! We got a snow storm all day/evening yesterday too, but the sun is shining today! :) Take care! xo Holly

  13. Beautiful photos - hope you get more sunshine! :)

  14. That is so cool! Or cold, but mainly cool looking!

    I am seriously loving the new header. My all time favorite!

  15. Oh my goodness that looks so cold with all that ice! I hope you thaw out soon. I am happy that you were able to get out of the house. It's no fun to be stuck in the house for too long.

    xo Danielle

  16. It is so bizarre, here you are with far to much snow and cold weather and we our suffering the worst drought in the last 100 years! It's too bad we can't even things out.

    The photos of the girls are so cute.

  17. Totally amazing that so much of the Great Lakes is covered with ice! It doesn't happen every year, does it? Take care, Kim! xo Nellie

  18. Oh how beautiful that is! We have had two really nice and warm days. Maybe they are headed your way next.

  19. Love, love, love these winter pictures! We have cabin fever too -- no snow but sick of the cold temps. Hurry up, spring!

  20. Wow -- what an incredible winter! Come on spring! Hope to send some warm temps your way but I just heard snow is forecast for tomorrow for us! :( Hang in there!!

  21. Wow! Amazing! So beautiful- both the scenery and the girls!


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