February 19, 2014

Mail call and sneak peek of a future Kim K. give-away!

The gifts and cards just keep on coming.  I'm so spoiled and I'm loving every single minute of it.
 Thank you for the love bug and Valentine supplies, Viv.
Thank you for the pretty tag, Holly
Thank you for the China books, Pam.

I've been having some wicked migraines lately.  I think my hormones are a little confused with my "lady" parts gone. Weight lifting restrictions are still in place which means the family continues to be super helpful with laundry and groceries (not all bad) but I've been given clearance to do stairs and drive again.   Woo hoo!

With my extra time, I've been working on a shadow box using some estate sale miniatures and the dollhouse kit that Erica gave me.

 I'm planning on sharing the full reveal on Friday as a future Kim K. give-away.  Stay tuned!


  1. Very sweet blogging friend to cheer you up during your recovery! Love the wallpaper in your doll house!
    Bummer about the migraines :(

  2. so glad youre feeling a little spoiled and that you can drive and do stairs now. Im sure your headaches are related to the loss of those hormones....
    Cant wait to see the shadow box you're working on!!
    take care!!

  3. Glad you got the stair clearance as you can head to the crafting room now! Banish those migraines...

  4. Happy to hear you have been given some activity clearance . . . and happy you are having time to play with creating!

  5. What sweet and thoughtful gifts, Kim! I'm so sorry you've been having migraines,I sure hope you feel better soon! Your shadow box is adorable, and so is your new blog header!!

  6. It sounds like you're doing really well if you can drive already! Take care and don't too much too soon. I love your sweet gifts. Blog buddies make you feel so special. Sweet hugs, Diane

  7. Ouch! I'm sorry to hear about the migraines. I understand those can be a real bear. My husband will have them on occasion, but I've never had one. It sounds as though you are making good progress. xo Nellie

  8. I'm glad your feeling better.
    I have the same problem with the headaches, don't let the doctor blow them off as insignificant.
    Chris =]

  9. So glad you're feeling better! What great gifts! Maggie

  10. So glad you are starting to feel better -- hate migraines! Hope they disappear completely from your life! Happy Thursday - almost TGIF!

  11. Such sweet gifts you are getting! Glad to see you getting spoiled while you're on the mend! :) I can't wait to see your doll house/shadow box, the wall paper and little fridge are sooo cute!! :) xo Holly

  12. What wonderful goodies you received! And I'm glad to hear that you are mending well :)

  13. Feel better soon! I love the shadow box too cute! Enjoy the girls and hubby doing the chores! One of the perks of being on recovery mode!! I hate going down the stairs to do laundry! Hubby is in planning mode now to build onto our home to make the kitchen bigger and move the laundry upstairs. Yeah, I can finally decorate a laundry theme room.

  14. Hi Kim,
    So glad to hear you're doing well enough to work on some mini projects, sorry you're experiencing those awful headaches though, those are no fun! Can't wait to see the reveal.

  15. So glad everyone is keeping you up to date with crafts and gifts. I hope and pray you are almost fully healed and that you'll resume normal life soon.

    Big Hugs,

  16. Sorry to hear about your migranes Kim. Glad you are on the mend, and are able to do some fun things! Take care!


  17. Gotta love that mail call, and everyone deserves to be spoiled sometimes, especially during recuperation. Love what you have shown of your shadowbox, adorable!

    Yay for the driving, but no cleaning yet! (Isn't that great, lol)

  18. You deserve to be spoiled! I hope your migraines go away soon! Happy healing and crafting too!

  19. I just can't wait to see what you are up to with the little shadowbox house! I hope you feel better soon!

  20. Such sweet mail!! I love the wallpaper, too!! Hope your migraines get better! Take care! xo Heather

  21. You deserve to be spoiled my dear. Hope you get to feeling better.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.