February 5, 2014

Taking a blogging break for surgery...

I didn't want to disappear without letting you know that I will be taking a mini blogging break. I’m having surgery on February 7th. I have been putting this off, but it’s time to start feeling good and I'm certainly not needing those female body parts anymore.  I've said this before, but Josie was the biggest blessing with secondary infertility. 

I have a few valentine posts ready to share, but I’m not sure whether I’ll be up to publishing them.

The first week, I might not be up to reading or commenting on blogs either.  Please know that I'm not ignoring you.

I’m really hopeful that this recovery will be easier than my foot surgery.

 I’ll be back.

 Pinky swear.

Don't have to much fun without me.


  1. Wishing you a full and speedy recovery Kim! Take care:@)

  2. I knew this was the week. friday right? You will be in my thoughts and prayers. when you feel well enough, be sure to shoot me an email and let me know how you made out! and.... be watching your mail.. I'm sending a little care package your way!
    we'll be here waiting for you.. so feel better fast!

  3. Thinking of you! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  4. Praying for you. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

  5. Sending good thoughts for your surgery and a speedy healing process.

    Big ((HUGS)) Kim, Pam

  6. Good luck with the surgery. Sending good thoughts, hugs and lots of prayers! I know your family will be taking good care of you!

  7. Good luck with the surgery and I will say after I had mine I felt so much better. You just have to remember to sit back and let your wonderful family take care of you for a few weeks.

  8. Dear Kim, Hoping for a speedy recovery. We'll miss you!

  9. Best wishes for a super speedy recovery!~~XXOO, Beth

  10. Surgery, . . . post surgery for a few days, then another few days and then . . . just think, you'll have some uninterrupted days of crafting. Yay, yippee!

    Please know I'll be caring about you . . . and I am close by if you need anything!

    Love and hugs . . .

  11. Kim, I'll keep you in my prayers for an uneventful surgery and a quick, easy recovery.

  12. I know you'll do great and I'm glad you told us. I'll keep you in my prayers and promise not to have too much fun while you're gone. We'll save our fun for when you get back my friend! Sending you lots of hugs and good wishes. Take care of yourself and don't worry about anything else. Sweet hugs, Diane

  13. I' be sending my healing thoughts and prayers your way, Kim. So sorry you have to go through this.
    Hope you feel better fast~we will miss your delightful posts! hugs!u

  14. Sending along many wishes for a speedy, uncomplicated recovery! Hugs!
    xo Nellie

  15. I sure will miss you as I know all your blogging friends will but your health comes first and you will bounce right back! Sending prayers and hugs and will be thinking of you on Friday. Love, Maggie

  16. I will miss you! I hope that the surgery goes well and you have a very quick recovery. I will be sending you lots of thought and prayers.

  17. Kim, Sending you good thoughts and prayers for your surgery and a speedy recovery!

  18. Hope all goes well with your surgery. Sending prayers and hugs your way. We will miss you, but take your time and get well.


  19. God be with you, sweet Kim. You will be in all our hearts and thoughts as you recover.

  20. Hope you have a quick and easy recovery. Sending prayers and hugs.

  21. Keeping you in my prayers and may it be a quick recovery! Lots of love and hugs!! xo Heather

  22. We'll miss you and will be praying for you! ♥

  23. Pinky swear. Will be thinking of you and heal quickly! Sending a big old glittery hug your way!

  24. Best of everything for you sweetie and you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

    God Bless,

  25. Oh my -- yes indeed -- hope it is easier than the foot surgery! Take care now!


  26. Good luck to you with your surgery.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  27. Hi Kim,
    I'll be praying for a successful surgery and a quick and full recovery for you!

  28. Hi Kim,
    wishing you a successful surgery and speedy recovery! Hope you feel better soon, and be sure to take it easy and let others wait on you are you are on the mend:) I'll keep you in my prayers!

  29. Oh, no! So sorry you have to go through surgery, but think of how much better you're going to be feeling by the time spring comes around. It will come around eventually, I promise! Have a quick recovery with lots of bedside crafting. We'll be thinking of you on Friday!

  30. I remember when I was in my mid 30's and had that surgery, my Dr. asked if I needed to see a counselor afterwards....I asked why? She said some women really were thrown with this surgery, I told her I was going to have a party! :):)

    Take care of your self, take your time getting back on your feet and enjoy the pampering I know you will get!

  31. Aww...look at all the wonderful comments your friends are leaving for you! How about making a copy of them and reading them during your recovery!
    I'll be praying for a quick recovery too!

  32. Kim-
    Hi Sweetheart, I wish you the best before, during and after your surgery. Sending wishes and prayers for a quick recovery.
    Love, Sandie

  33. Hugs to you! I will be looking forward to your return, and I wish you well during your recovery!

  34. God Bless You. May all go well! Hope to see you back here again soon!

  35. Hi Kim, Wishing you a speedy and easy recovery! I had that surgery 18 years ago and it was the best decision of my life! Enjoy the days of bed rest its only for a few days and then you will have to take it easy and not over do! Take care and know that you will be missed!

  36. Kim, Praying you have an easy and speedy recovery! Rest!!!!


  37. Hi Kim,

    Wishing you a speedy recovery! Sending prayers! <3
    Janet B.

  38. Kim you will feel so much better. When I had that done the recovery was not bad. Wishing you a speedy recovery my dear.

  39. I wish you a speedy and full recovery!!! Let your family spoil and take care of you!!! :)

  40. All your friends in blogland are thinking about you and wishing you a healthy and full recovery. Hugs to you!

  41. I am wishing you a super speedy recovery! Sending big hugs and prayers your way!

  42. Hi Kim,
    Been there,done that. RELAX and don't over do it!! It will take you a couple of weeks to stand up straight again.
    Chris =]

  43. Good luck with the surgery. I hope your recovery goes well. Just take it easy and we will look forward to hearing from you when you can.

  44. OH Kim, My thoughts are with you- I hope things went well, and that you recover quickly and smoothly!!!!

  45. Hi Kim,
    Just reading this on Sat. Hope things went well for you and hope your recovery goes well. Sending you hugs and prayers for a speedy recovery.

    xo Danielle

  46. Oh my, Kim, I'm just now seeing this. I hope all is well and that you are recovering safely at home. Hugs and prayers going out to you.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.