February 9, 2014

Post surgery updates...

Thank you for all the sweet comments regarding my surgery. It helped knowing that I had friends and family praying and thinking of me on Friday.

I've spent the last few days resting, trying to move carefully and staying on top of my pain medication. You don't realize how much you use those stomach muscles until you've felt like a herd of elephants had a dance party on them. 

Speaking of dances, Emma attended a winter dance at her high school Saturday evening. Doesn't she look fabulous!
I'm sure I'll be spending this afternoon doing some blog hopping. Cheers to feeling a bit more human. There's definitely something very healing about a warm cat cuddled up next to me on the footstool.

 Let the healing begin!


  1. So happy to hear from you. Good news indeed. Take it easy and heal . . .

  2. Please tell Emma she is over the moon gorgeous! I hope she enjoyed her evening!

  3. It's good to hear from you, glad all went well and you're feeling a little bit better! Emma looks beautiful, bet she had a blast:@)

  4. 🐝utiful!
    Keep on healing~hugs!

  5. Emma looks beautiful, I am sure she had a wonderful time. Continue to take it easy.

  6. Oh my -- Emma looks so pretty! Bet she had so much fun! Glad to hear you are doing ok! Take it easy and let everyone wait on you!

  7. Praying that each day gets better and better for you. Just rest, don't overdo it.

    Emma is so beautiful!


  8. Glad you are home healing and it is all behind you. Emma looks stunning....are you going to be accompanying her when she starts dating? :)

  9. Emma looks fantastic! She is so lovely.

    So good the surgery is over and you are in recovery mode. Take care and get lots of rest.

  10. Emma is looking so grown up! Just lovely!

    Glad to hear from you!

  11. Glad you are recovering well...Your daughter is beautiful and what a cute dress...wishing you a Blessed day hugs lil raggedy Angie

  12. So happy it went good! Take care! And, Emma looks so pretty! xo Heather

  13. It's great to hear from you and know you are healing. Give yourself time my friend! Let everyone wait on you and pamper you. Emma looks beautiful...love the color of that dress on her. She does look so grown up...ahhhh! Sweet hugs!

  14. Sounds like you are recovering nicely. Emma looks beautiful! Take care, and post when you can.


  15. Thoughts and prayers for you sweet Kim on a speedy recovery!! Emma looks so pretty in her picture! Keep snuggling with your kitty! :) xo Holly

  16. Emma looks so grownup. She is really a pretty girl.
    Glad that the surgery is over and you are resting.
    I was always in such a hurry to get better after I would have surgery. When looking back I would wish that I hadn't. So my advice is to take it easy for as long as possible.

  17. I hate to break it to you,but Emma is all grown up now! She looks so very adult in that photo. Glad you're starting to mend. Take it easy and enjoy the quite time!

  18. Glad youre feeling "human"! OMG.. when did EMma grow up like that? She is very lovely. but she was just a little girl a couple days ago wasnt she? lol! They do grow up so fast. I'm sure we'll all be saying that about josie soon.. and torry and marlaina...
    no hurry for any of that! be watching you mail! mailing a package tomorrow for you!

  19. Many speedy healing thoughts coming your way pretty lady. Emma is stunning, but then she takes after you!

    Big warm healing hugs,

  20. Yes, let the healing begin!
    Emma looks like a doll. I hope she had a blast.
    Take Care and rest up!
    Erica :)

  21. So glad the surgery went well and yes, let the healing begin! Your daughter is gorgeous!
    Keeping you in my prayers,

  22. So happy to hear you are feeling better!! Be sure to take is easy.... Slow and steady is the name of the recovery game!! Your Emma is lovely!!!

  23. I am so glad that you are recuperating and doing okay. I was gone last week so missed your surgery post. Emma looks absolutely BEAUTIFUL! She is a stunner. She is growing up way too fast! xo Diana

  24. Glad all went well. Hope you're feeling better soon. Emma looks stunning!

  25. Loving watching Emma grow up..such a darling girl.
    Take it easy..between blogs, pinterest and all the other things the internet offers..easy down time!

  26. So glad you're over the hump. Just enjoy taking it easy for awhile. Emma looks beautiful, by the way. Take care!

  27. Happy to hear your surgery went well!
    Your daughter is so pretty:)
    Cuddle up with your kitty and feel better soon!

  28. SO happy to see a post from you. I've been thinking of you. Wishing you a speedy revcovery. Emma looks so lovely! You'll heal faster with the love of a comfy cat! Love, Maggie

  29. I know it won't be long until you are back on your feet. Just take it real easy now. I had emergency appendectomy several years ago and it took a little while to get back up to speed. I know that you have plenty of little helpers around the house that will help you recover faster, even kitty ones :) So glad to see you blogging! Take care, Holly

  30. Glad all went well with your surgery, Kim! Try holding a small pillow over your tummy when you get up from a chair or bed, it really help! Emma looks beautiful!!

  31. Glad you are feeling a little better. Emma looks so pretty. not a little girl anymore!

  32. Glad you are home recuperating. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

    Emma looks so grown up in her beautiful dress! She is so pretty.



  33. Kim,
    I am so sorry that I missed you were having surgery and now I am glad to hear that it went well and you are home recuperating.
    Abdominal surgery is rough. I had 4 abdominal hernias repaired and a mess system put in and I had to sleep on the sofa for over a month because i could not get up from a flat position by myself!!
    And God forbid you laugh.... Joe had brought home a funny movie and I thought I burst all my sutures so we had to wait and watch it about a month later!! LOL!!
    Get well soon my friend!!

  34. Emma looks so pretty. I hope she had fun at the dance. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    xo Danielle

  35. Take it easy so you can enjoy spring that will surely be here one of these days. I have a pair of size 9 woman's ice skates that I used in my much younger days. They are like brand new would and I would like to send them to you (no $$$) just because I would like to see someone get some good out of them. If you are interested let me know. Lisa_Lutes@yahoo.com

  36. She's beautiful!! And getting to be such a grown up young lady!

  37. So glad your surgery went well. Happy healing!

  38. Emma's gorgeous. I hope you have a smooth recovery.


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